Team Jedi Archive wins Wilkes-Barre campus walking competition

image of small yellow high-top sneaker in front of award certificate for Most Miles Walked competitionThis spring, the Wilkes-Barre campus nurse, Suzanne Attanasio, hosted a fitness initiative called “Walk to the National Parks.” To participate in this six-week event, individuals and/or teams had to submit weekly step counts for tally. Our goal of walking to all the National Parks and returning home to Lehman, Pennsylvania, was 7,285 miles. Altogether, the campus participants walked 7,894.17 miles.

The Nesbitt Library team at Penn State Wilkes-Barre had an impressive record. Comprised of Jennie Knies, Megan Mac Gregor, John Owens, and also several family members, “Team Jedi Archives” placed first, walking a total of 1,244.36 miles. As an individual, John Owens came in second with an impressive 314.08 miles.

How did we accomplish this, especially during the cold months of February and March? For those of you who have visited the Nesbitt Library, you know that we are small and comprise just one floor. However, completing the “Library Loop” through our five ranges of stacks can add an additional 300+ steps in a matter of minutes. Parking at the far end of the parking lot allows for approximately 500 steps to the library. And on nice days? Walking was also an incentive for campus outreach, and let’s just say that it IS possible to walk and listen to presentations at the same time. The mobile apps for Zoom and MediaSite work quite well.

Participating in this event has certainly increased our fitness here in Wilkes-Barre, and we have all pledged to try to keep up the habit – rumor has it that we will be repeating this program in the Fall.

– submitted by Jennie Knies, Nesbitt Library, Wilkes-Barre

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