Two sessions of CPR/AED training will be offered at University Park on January 5 with a morning class (9:00-noon) and afternoon class (1-4 p.m.). This year, the Libraries is purchasing this service through Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology (CPI) who provides certificates through the group that writes the standards for the training, the American Heart Association. Please note that for individuals with certification that is going to expire, taking the full course is necessary due to guideline changes.
Remember… the AEDs that were installed in Pattee Library and Paterno Library are contingent upon having enough trained personnel within the complex certified in their use. As an incentive for your participation, there are no out-of-pocket costs to you as a Libraries employee. The Libraries Health and Safety Committee is sponsoring these training sessions.
Please contact Len White at to register for the CPR/AED training sessions and indicate your preference for the morning or afternoon class. Sign up will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and there is a limit of 20 participants per class. Once class maximums have been reached, a “standby” list will be maintained in case there are any participant cancellations.
– submitted by Len White, Facilities