Tag Archives: discovery day

Discovery Day 2017 feedback

graphic illustration for Discovery Day with telescope icon

Thanks to you the 2017 Discovery Day was a great success!

The Discovery Day Committee would like to thank everyone for attending, presenting and volunteering.

We would like for you to share your thoughts about the day and help us make the next Discovery Day the best ever. Please provide your feedback here: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eDT8UJFdmSoByip


2017 Discovery Day Committee
Zoe Chao
Ethan Eissenstat
Carmen Gass
Elise Gowen
Earl Houser
Verne Neff
Angel Peterson
Rebecca Peterson
Victoria Raish
Shenetta Selden
Ann Snowman

Discovery Day 2017 is this week!

The committee is very excited to host Discovery Day on Thursday, June 1. We hope to see you there. There are 31 sessions to choose from, something for everyone!

Plan your day now: Discovery Day Schedule

Please register for the day. Individual session registration is not required.

Supervisors, please encourage your employees to attend this event.

We hope to see you all soon!

– submitted by Angel Peterson, Discovery Day committee

Discovery Day session highlight: Local and regional history

Librarian Emeritus Lee Stout will provide an overview of Centre County history from the 18th century to the present, focusing on some major themes that have contributed to the evolution of the county, including the Native American presence, industrial and agricultural development, the rise of Penn State, and issues of development for the future of the county.

Lee will also discuss his new book “Lair of the Lion: A History of Beaver Stadium.”
Join us for Lee’s session during Discovery Day from 10:45-11:45 a.m. on Thursday, June 1 in Pattee W23!

Discovery Day participants may pre-order “Lair of the Lion: A History of Beaver Stadium” from the Penn State University Press on June 1 for $20.00, tax and U.S. shipping included.

View the schedule of sessions and register for Discovery Day at http://tinyurl.com/discoveryday17.

– submitted by Carmen Gass, User Training Services

17 Days before Discovery Day on June 1

illustration with 17 days text on left and Discovery Day logo on right

The countdown has begun! There are 17 days until Discovery Day 2017!

Register for Discovery Day here: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cAYKD1oBdGuYQC1

All sessions in Foster Auditorium will be available via Mediasite Live.
This includes:

Also, today, Monday, May 15, is the last day to sign up for tours. Contact the appropriate tour coordinator if you are interested in one of the following:

Planetarium tour, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Torrie Raish, (vrc112), coordinator

Dreamery tour, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Elise Gowen (edg16), coordinator

Sports Museum tour, 11 a.m. – Noon,
Angel Peterson (anb149), coordinator

Nuclear Reactor tour, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Shenetta Selden (szs7), coordinator

Discovery Day website: tinyurl.com/discoveryday17

– submitted by Angel Peterson, Discovery Day committee

Libraries’ United Way hoagie sale for June 1

illustration to promote hoagie sale on June 1The University Libraries’ United Way Committee will sell hoagies to supplement the snacks and drinks available in the Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, for those individuals participating in Discovery Day. The delicious hoagies are also available to those who wish to order for lunch on June 1. All proceeds benefit the Centre County United Way.

Selections available:
Roast Beef
Three Cheese

7” hoagies are $4.50, 12” hoagies are $7.50

Order your hoagie at http://tinyurl.com/psulibshoagiesale by noon on May 22.

Money is due June 1Please pay by cash or check. Make all checks out to Amy Miller and send them to Donna Dean in 126 Paterno Library.

If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please e-mail ul-discovery-day-cmte@lists.psu.edu in advance.

Save the Date: Discovery Day 2017 set for June 1

The 12th annual Discovery Day is scheduled for Thursday,  June 1, 2017 with the program and registration opening on Monday, May 1, 2017.

The Discovery Day committee is hard at work to make sure this year’s event is a memorable one. Please be on the lookout for upcoming news regarding the event. Visit our website for more updates: tinyurl.com/discoveryday17.

– submitted by Angel Peterson, Discovery Day committee

Discovery Day frequently asked questions

Discovery Day 2017 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Discovery Day?
A. Discovery Day is a full day conference-style event created to increase understanding of University Libraries, the library profession, and the campus and community environment in which we work. Discovery Day 2017 is set for Thursday, June 1.

Q. Why Thursday?
A. Thursday was selected to accommodate the majority of employees’ schedules.

Q. Is Discovery Day intended only for full-time staff?
A. No, Discovery Day is intended for all library employees.

Q. Who can attend Discovery Day?
A. All libraries employees: faculty, staff, part-time staff and student employees. Supervisors are encouraged to promote Discovery Day and make arrangements for part-time employees to attend.

Q. I am from a different campus, may I attend Discovery Day?
Discovery Day is primarily for University Park employees; however, if employees from another campus want to attend they must get permission from their supervisor and arrange their own transportation.

Q. Will employees be paid for attending Discovery Day?
A. Yes, Discovery Day is a work event for faculty, staff, wage payroll, and student employees. All employees will be paid for their participation.

Q. Why can’t we close the library for part of the day to allow those who manage a circulation desk to be able to attend?
A. When the University is in session the Libraries will remain open to our students and faculty. Many service areas opt to use a skeleton staffing model so that personnel may take advantage of high-interest programs during days when low traffic is expected such as break weeks and summer session. There were only a couple of years when we closed the library for Discovery Day and those were intersession Fridays – and only a half day.

Q. Why is there no longer registration for each session?
A. Discovery Day is a conference-style event. Registration is for the overall event, not for specific sessions.

Q. Will there be food?
A. Refreshments are available throughout the day.

Q. Why are there work-related and non-work related sessions?
A. The combination of sessions encourages people to attend sessions of their interest, work-related or not.

Q. Can I present a session?
A. All library employees are welcome to present Discovery Day sessions. The proposal request for presenting sessions will be sent a few months prior to Discovery Day.

Q. Why should I present a session?
A. We encourage you to present to share your knowledge and expertise on a particular subject.

Q. Why were there technical issues in the past?
We apologize for technical issues. We will work extra hard this year to prevent such issues. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Carmen Gass (crg177@psu.edu or 814-867-2448) or Angel Peterson (anb149@psu.edu or 814-865-3702) in advance of your participation.

Q. Will session presentations be available after Discovery Day?
A. Yes, we will have links to session power points and other such documentation from presenters in Box and linked off of our webpage: tinyurl.com/discoveryday17. It would be ideal if employees could attend in person.

For more information, visit the Discovery Day staff site.

– submitted by Carmen Gass, Discovery Day co-sponsor

Call for Discovery Day planning committee volunteers

What is Discovery Day?

Discovery Day, scheduled for Thursday, June 1, 2017, is about:

  • professional development
  • developing a rapport with colleagues
  • sharing information and knowledge

Staff and faculty alike are invited to join the Discovery Day planning committee which will be charged in early January to produce this exciting event for the 12th-consecutive year. By popular request, Discovery Day 2017 will again be held on a Thursday!

Please contact Ann Snowman (ams32@psu.edu) by Friday, Jan. 6 if you are interested in serving on the Discovery Day planning committee.

We again will be counting on supervisors and managers to commit to minimal staffing at service points to allow staff to participate as fully as possible in Discovery Day activities.

A brief history of how Discovery Day came to be what it is now can be read on the University Libraries Staff Site.

We hope to hear from you soon!

– submitted by Carmen Gass, User Services Training

Discovery Day 2016 is this Thursday, June 2!

Just a reminder for Libraries employees at University Park to register for Discovery Day, which is this Thursday!

Please note: Classes are first come, first served unless otherwise noted in the program. There is no TechSmart registration.

Adding Discovery Day Sessions to Your LRN Transcript

Did you know that you can add your Discovery Day sessions to your Learning Resource Network (LRN) Transcript?  Step by step directions for manually adding your participation are available.

– submitted by Angel Peterson

Discovery Day registration open

Registration for Discovery Day 2016 is here! Please register for Discovery Day by Friday, May 27.

Please note: Classes are first come, first served, unless otherwise noted in the program. There is no TechSmart registration.

Hoagie Sale

Once again, the Libraries’ United Way Committee will sell hoagies to supplement our lunchtime snacks and drinks. Please order your hoagie here. Orders are due by Wednesday, May 25.

Adding Discovery Day Sessions to Your LRN Transcript

Did you know that you can add your Discovery Day sessions to your Learning Resource Network (LRN) Transcript? Step by step directions for manually adding your participation are available online.

– submitted by Angel Peterson

Office composting is everywhere

Office Composting in Pattee/Paterno
Every building

You may have noticed the new recycling stations that have recently appeared in Pattee and Paterno. This marks the beginning of the change to Office Composting (formerly No Can Do) in our buildings. Over the next few weeks, you will see announcements and more information abut this change. Al Matyasovsky gave a presentation last week in Foster Auditorium, providing an overview of the program. If you missed it, you can view the presentation online at bit.ly/1gioDhB.

Stump Al!

​There are still spots available for the Discovery Day session, “Stump Al”. Join us during lunch, from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM to learn the newest recycling guidelines. Feel free to bring your toughest recyclables and questions! Sign up in TechSmart, at http://bit.ly/1hadhgm.

Countdown to Discovery Day

Register today on TechSmart!

How about signing up for one of the many classes taught by our librarians? Ann Snowman will start us off with a few Discovery Day observations in Mann while you munch on the goodies.

As mentioned last week, Henry Pisciotta, with Tim Auman, will help you find visual resources in “Images Databases101.” Sandy Stelts and Meredith Weber will show off the Henisch Photo Collection, and Angela Davis will lead a discussion on outreach efforts in the Engineering Library.

Sylvia Owiny will present findings on her research into the state of libraries in Uganda. Get comfy and cozy when Rachel Smith shows you how to Feng Shui your library space. Doris Malkmus will lead the gang to “Stump Al and the Green Team” with recycling questions.

Lauren Reiter will showcase the new Student Financial Education Center in Shreyer Business Library. Mining with (Linda) Musser, Pennsylvania Mining that is, has a few openings left. Patricia Hswe and Linda Musser will co-present a freshly minted, hot-off-the-press class on data management – more information is coming soon. Watch for the email.

We still have openings in many other classes. For example, why not show off some pop culture savvy after attending Nicole NiCastro’s “Pop Culture Catchup” class? If you do not understand why there is a Discovery Day class called “Zombie Apocalypse Meets GIS,” you need this class. Pattee (Way) After Dark has some spooky data for you as described by the ever eerie Chris Holobar. Sign up for these and other classes in TechSmart . — submitted by the Discovery Day Project Team

TechSmart is open for Discovery Day

Discovery Day is on March 7. Register for sessions now in TechSmart.

Have you seen all the new plasma screens popping up in the Libraries? Do you have ideas to give to the content creator for yours or are you the content creator? We have two classes for you! In Images Database 101, Tim Auman and Henry Pisciotta will help you find high-quality content for your digital displays and for your patrons’ research reports. If you are looking for a way to add video to your display or want to help your patrons find the resources to create video, Trace Brown will guide you in Making Movies with Media Commons. There is still room in both of these classes.

Engineering Library is bursting with outreach ideas and has been able to successfully target specific engineering constituencies. Join Angela Davis as she relates the strategy and the outcome in Outreach and Marketing Strategies for Liaison Departments.

Information about the lunch to benefit the United Way will be coming soon.

Submitted by the Discovery Day Project Team

New this year for Discovery Day – Morningstar solar home tour

solar houseHave you heard about the MorningStar Solar Home on east campus? It is a net-zero home, producing as much (and even more) energy than it consumes. You will have the opportunity to take a tour of this house on Discovery Day, as Dr. Lisa Brown explains its use in sustainable housing education efforts and research.

Also offered, “Turning Darkness into Light: Sight Loss Support Group of Central PA.” The Sight-Loss Support Group staff will present information on the various stages of sight loss and showcase seeing-eye puppies that are being trained for life as Dog Guides. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to experience what a low vision person sees by wearing specially-designed glasses that simulate different types of sight loss.

You can sign up for these and other classes in TechSmart at https://techsmart.libraries.psu.edu/cgi-bin/techSmart.cgi?caseAct=1Submitted by the Discovery Day Project Team

Preview of Discovery Day attractions

Submitted by the Discovery Day Project team

Discovery Day 2014 at University Park is set for Friday, March 7. You suggested and we listened. Here is a preview of the coming attractions:

Fun with Photoshop
Learn how to manipulate images in fun, exciting and EASY ways using Photoshop. For beginners as well as advanced and intermediate users, this session will give you a fun perspective on what you can do with Photoshop. (Basic knowledge of Photoshop required).

Paperback Swap
Like to read? Want to pay less for books? Want to thin out your book collection? In this session learn how to swap used books for only the price of media mail postage! Our book club helps avid readers exchange books for free. List books you’d like to swap with other club members. Choose from over 4 million available books. No late fees, no hidden charges.

Preview of Discovery Day 2014

Submitted by the Discovery Day Project team

Discovery Day 2014 at University Park is set for Friday, March 7. You suggested and we listened. Here is a preview of the coming attractions:

Images of the Bridget A. and the late Heinz K. Henisch Collection
Special Collections will be showcasing striking examples of virtually every type of 19th century photographic process and teaching participants how to identify them. These daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, cabinet cards, cartes-de-visite, tintypes, and stereo cards will be displayed to illuminate the early social role of photography and the ways in which photography was used for a great variety of purposes.

Stump Al and the Green Team (The Green Team)
Get the newest guidelines on what to recycle, how, and where. Bring your toughest recyclables and/or questions and try to stump Al Matyasovsky, supervisor of Central Support Services.

Sign up for these and other classes in TechSmart in February.