Tag Archives: intranet

Website Update: May 16

We hope by now you’ve had a chance to explore the new Staff Site, which will be going live and replacing the current intranet on Wednesday, May 18. We’ve been getting some great feedback from you — thank you! In addition to some really kind words, we’ve heard the following comments and questions:

  1. We need the fuller list of staff tools. We will be adding an updated list of the resources from the current intranet.
  2. Why are certain forms and groups appearing on the home page? By default, these lists show in order of last created on the Staff Site home page. Moving forward, we will list them by most popular, based on statistics.
  3. Where is my content? We have migrated all of the CQ intranet content into the new Staff Site. The preview was a great way for everyone to double-check their content, and we found a few things that didn’t come across quite as expected. Please check your content to make sure it appears as it should be and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
  4. Our library/department does not currently have an intranet presence on CQ. Can we create one? Yes! Any area that has not had an intranet presence in the past can request accounts and training for authors. We will create a space for your Library or department to which you can add content. Please request staff site author accounts using the Account Request Form. Once accounts have been requested, Ryan Johnson will schedule training.
  5. We love the new Staff Site Search! We do, too! If you haven’t already tested out the new SOLR search, we encourage you to give it a try.

Please keep the feedback coming via the website feedback link on the bottom of every page (public and staff site) or come talk to us! We will be holding drop-in Q & A sessions in the I-Tech Training Room and via Adobe Connect and phone (888-644-0576) on the following dates this week:

11am-noon Tuesday, May 17 
2-3 p.m. Friday, May 20

Thank you in advance for your help in making the website the best it can be for our users!
– Binky Lush, 
on behalf of the Web Implementation and Management Team and the Development Team