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2016 User Training Services event recordings


Destressed Patron Panel
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Library employees are often tasked to deal with patrons who are verbally abusive, violent, intoxicated and unreasonable, those with mental and emotional challenges, and other social-physical safety issues encountered working in a 24-hour facility. Watch this moderated panel discussion with experts from CAPS, University Police & Public Safety, Residence Life, and University Libraries. A Q&A session follows.

Anna Barone, Associate Director, Office of Student Conduct
Natalie Hernandez DePalma, Psychologist, CAPS
Monica Himes, Sergeant, University Police & Public Safety
Brett Scofield, Assistant Director, CAPS
Ann Snowman, Head of Access Services and User Services Training Program

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25 Tips for Defusing Anger
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When was the last time you got mad? We’ve all been there; no one is immune. Who was it that really pushed your buttons and you totally lost it? Were you at work or at home? Did you regret it later? Did you say to yourself, “I wish I didn’t let [insert name here] get under my skin… I know I can do better.”

If you did, this is the perfect training for you. In this interactive session we will discuss and practice tips for defusing anger in both your personal and professional life.

Presenter: Carmen Gass

Job Enrichment Participants Informational Session,
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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in another library unit? Could a better understanding of library units help you do your job better?

Did you know administration encourages employees to spend time in other units? The Job Enrichment program provides the opportunity for you to learn new skills in other library units.

Interested in learning more about Job Enrichment? Come and hear the experiences of Job Enrichment participants. For at least one participant, the experience was life changing!

Presenter: Carmen Gass

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Working with International Patrons
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation with an international patron where you were totally lost?

You felt really awkward. You didn’t know what was culturally appropriate? You tried absolutely everything you could think of but still couldn’t understand or help the patron? This session will be very useful to you!

We want to provide the best service we can but at times it is difficult to help international patrons because we are not aware of cultural differences. This interactive and engaging session presented by librarians, Global Programs and international patrons will provide information to help you serve international patrons well.

 Integrating Sustainability into Your You@PSU Goals
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This one-hour workshop will help you incorporate sustainability-related goals into your future YOU@PSU performance planning, using examples specific to Library staff. Integrating sustainability should align with the goals of individual units and the University and support one of the University’s foundational values and strategic priorities, as stated in the recently approved Strategic Plan.

 Presenter: Lydia Bodman Vandenbergh

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Discovery Day Webinar Series: Silents are Golden
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From comedy classics, heart-wrenching drama, action/adventure to special effects, silent films blazed the trail to the movies we all love today. Come and take a look at some fun and groundbreaking clips (and surprises) from the silent era.

Presenters: Jenny Litz and Bob Livsey

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Building Evacuation Training for University Park 3:00 to 4:00pm Foster Auditorium Mediasite Live archive link

This session provided an in-depth overview of Building Evacuation Procedures and Resources for the Libraries at University Park. Training began with general instructions to building occupants, and went through to the complexity of the Occupant Staging Area Coordinator duties at Pattee and Paterno Libraries. A Q&A session follows each section. Watch the training sections that apply to you, but we encourage you to stay view the entire presentation in order to realize everything your coworkers do to insure your safety and execute a successful evacuation.

Presenter: Len White 


Discovery Day Webinar Series: Office Yoga
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Get some tips for resetting a stressful work day with a one-hour gentle office yoga class. Open to everyone. Contact presenter Rebecca Peterson with any questions at rmr28@psu.edu or 865-9257. 

Presenter: Rebecca Peterson


Occupant Safety: A Panel Discussion
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Discussion focused on occupant safety with emphasis on how the University’s official response procedures translate to a Library setting. Points of discussion were employee expectations/response during emergency events to include, but not limited to: Surviving an Active Shooter, Bomb Threats, and Building Evacuation procedures, along with how Emergency Personnel respond to these situations. A Q&A session followed at the end of the discussion.

Presenters: Sergeant Monica M. Himes, Lt. Matthew White, Steve Triebold, Stacy Givens

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Disability Awareness Month Event: Working with Patrons with Disabilities
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In order to provide the best customer service it is really important that we are aware of the needs of our patrons. This session presented by disability coordinators and a panel of patrons with disabilities provides information to help you serve all patrons well.

Presenters: Susan Hayya, Leah Zimmerman, Marla Yukelson, Terry Watson, Emily Rimland, Mike Wright, Mark Webster


Discovery Day Webinar Series: What the Libraries Can Do for You
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New to the libraries? Unsure of the resources you’re able to take advantage of, both professionally and personally? Check out this session, ideal for new library staff who haven’t had the opportunity to explore the libraries and the resources available.

Presenter: Liz Long


Patron Privacy Training
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Participants learn how to apply Penn State Libraries policy; state and federal law; and professional ethics based on real life examples of privacy challenges.

Presenter: Ann Snowman 


What I used to dislike about Customer Service
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Presenter Aaron Procious used to find customer service daunting and frankly “scary.” Through trial and error, he learned several tips and tricks that not only helped him survive, but provide excellent customer service working at a Service Desk. Watch this session and learn what he wished he knew three years ago!

Presenter: Aaron Procious 

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Supervisor: Helping New Librarians Find Success & Satisfaction in the Academic Library
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Welcoming new colleagues to Penn State University Libraries is an essential part of bringing new ideas and energy into the organization. As we hire new professionals into entry-level positions, these new professionals are going through many transitions that can make their first professional experience more challenging than they may have anticipated. This session explores this period of transition by reviewing research on factors commonly associated with job satisfaction for new professionals and highlighting specific issues and situations associated with these factors. Solutions and strategies for supporting new librarians were discussed along with best practices for recruiting, retaining, and supporting new librarians.

Presenter: Rebecca Miller


Website Building 101 (for the non-coder)
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Have you ever thought of building a website but aren’t quite sure where to start? Or do you wonder what Squarespace is when listening to your favorite podcast? This workshop will compare and contrast the top, user-friendly, no-coding-required website building sites. Get a crash course in sites like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and WordPress and perhaps find inspiration for your next personal or professional passion project!

Presenter: Hailley Fargo


Librarians: Helping New Librarians Find Success & Satisfaction in the Academic Library
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Stepping into your first—or second—professional position can be challenging. New professionals experience many transitions very quickly as they orient themselves to their new role, their new organization, and their new professional identity. During this session, many of the issues that new professionals often experience and identify factors related to these issues that can impact job satisfaction and performance are discussed. After this session, you will have strategies for dealing with the transitions you’re facing, for proactively seeking job satisfaction and enjoyment, and for recognizing the support systems and community surrounding you.

Presenter: Rebecca Miller


Beating Burnout

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Presenter: Kevin Harwell

Springshare Electronic Reserves Training for Campus E-Res Liaisons
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This webinar demonstrated the new Springshare e-reserves system and provided training for campus liaisons in using the new system.

Presenters: Chris Holobar, Nicolle Nicastro