Tag Archives: undergraduate

Engineering Library Open House for students

Civil and Environmental Engineering students are invited to an Open House on January 30, 1:00-4:00 p.m., in the Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building.

Highlights will include library resources used in the study of civil and environmental engineering. Several displays will include a timeline of historically important civil and environmental engineering events, new books, and a demonstration of an engineering database.

Light snacks will be served. All majors are invited, and bring a friend!

If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided and for more information, please contact Angela Davis at ard21@psu.edu or 814-865-7005.

Award created for Undergraduate Research in Sustainability and the Environment

Penn State’s University Libraries announce an “Award for Undergraduate Research in Sustainability and the Environment,” open to Penn State students at all campus locations, including the World Campus. Penn State’s Social Sciences Library, Cengage Learning and the Penn State’s Sustainability Institute have partnered to award a total of $4000 to Penn State undergraduates to be presented on Earth Day, Tuesday, April 22, 2014.

sustainability researchDeadline for submitting application, paper or project and supporting materials is March 31. Two $1,000 prizes and four $500 prizes will be awarded. Award money was provided by Cengage Learning and the Penn State’s Sustainability Institute.

Both traditional papers (text) submissions and multimedia projects are eligible. In addition to the research project, students are required to submit a nominating letter from a faculty member, an essay outlining their research methods, plus a bibliography of works consulted. Librarians and other appropriate faculty and staff will judge the submissions based on the research strategy essay, nominating letter, and technical criteria. Full details are available at www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/socialsciences/sustainability_award.html#about. Continue reading