NFLs Going Green Initiative

It was only a couple years back when the Philadelphia Eagles spent 90 million dollars to make their football stadium the first energy efficient stadium in the NFL. What may not seem like a big deal actually was a rather huge deal for the NFL and the city of Philadelphia in general. The Eagles brought in 2,500 solar panels and 80 20-foot wind turbines. Dressing the stadium in a rather unusual manner. No one really saw this coming for sports or really understood the move. You’re a billion dollar sports team and business, what’s the price of energy compared to your wallet?

Well lets see how much money the Eagles saved and just how much comparatively solar panel to wind turbine. According to the Philadelphia Eagles expect to reduce their energy costs almost 25% in just their first year. Estimating at about $3 million per year and growing.

The Philadelphia Eagles don’t plan on stopping there. The owner Jeffrey Lurie has said it would be a dream to make the stadium self-efficient. I guess it takes money to save money. I will say that it is strange to drive down I-95 to see the Philadelphia stadiums in their natural habitat then to see a bunch of wind turbines on top of Lincoln Financial and Solar Panels all across the parking lots and the side of the stadium. However, it is really cool that Philadelphia is home to one of the most progressive stadiums in sports.

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2 thoughts on “NFLs Going Green Initiative

  1. Carina Barreiro

    I really liked this post because I’m a huge football fan and I’m from Philadelphia! It got me thinking and I was wondering if any other sports teams were looking into “going-green” whether it was with their stadiums or otherwise. I found this article,, that suggested that a whole lot of other NFL teams and stadiums are doing their part too. If you’re interested in this topic I highly suggest checking it out and seeing what else is going on in the sports community.

  2. Brett M Miller

    Great blog post! i’m going to have to do some research on this to see why they have stopped but it is cool that of all places philadelphia is home to one of these initiatives

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