Global Cooling

This blog isn’t about actual global cooling which was a thing back in the 70s. But it’s about how we are getting pounded with all these freezing temps while in the midst of global warming.

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This chart shows all the max temps in the country. And to be quite frank it stinks. One of the common misconceptions about global warming is that it just makes the earth warmer. However, it causes intense climate changes. Think of the movie Day After Tomorrow. Bit of a rash depiction, but a good one nonetheless. They actually explain the science behind global warming really well. A good quote from the movie is “Our climate is fragile. At the rate we’re polluting the environment and burning fossil fuels, the ice caps will soon disappear.”

Global warming doesn’t just effect the temperature. It has a direct effect on things such as tidal changes as well. Global warming is a beast with much more effect then we truly know. We are the cause of global warming and we can do things to prevent that. From producing fossil fuels to cutting down forests we do a lot to add to the problem.

So in hole if we want it to not be cold we personally can do our jobs. Recycle more, drive less, cut down less trees?, etc.

3 thoughts on “Global Cooling

  1. Brett M Miller

    I like your article even though you don’t use any applied mathematics you prove a good point

  2. Wei Dai

    Personally I like it, but as a blog for this class I think you still need to add some obvious math in it.

  3. Carina Barreiro

    I really liked your post because I think its important for people to understand that global warming doesn’t just cause the Earth to get significantly warmer, but instead causes intense climate changes all together. Without this understanding, I think it is difficult for some people to grasp the idea of global warming and see what impact everything they as humans have on Earth’s climate and environmental systems.

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