Hello my name is Zachary Ahner I’m in my sophomore year here at Penn state. I have just recently switched my major from Forensic Science/chemistry to Sociology, I know its a huge change! Originally I had joined the forensic science program in hopes of giving back something to the country that has given so much to me, however the more and more I followed the path I realized it wasn’t something that suited me (also the current justice system is too corrupt for me to do anything super beneficial for my country). I realized I could take this desire to help and apply it in a worldly sense, to help the people of all aspects of the world understand and get along with one another, even if that means changing one mind at a time. I am taking this class to learn more about real life applications in the math world (also calc 140 was realllyyyy boring).
Sustainability (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability) in my eyes is basically keeping the preexisting cycle of life we have here on the earth going. Many things we do have a small effect on the world around us, yet because they are so small most people think nothing of it. Sustainability is taking these small actions into account and forming better and more efficient ways to solve the problem and keep this small planet in its natural equilibrium for future generations. Resilience related to this topic goes hand in hand with sustainability, the earth has a certain strength to it and will bounce back from the small disturbances we create.
However there is a breaking point, at some moment there will be do many forces acting against the resilience of this small planet for it to handle and it will have a significant impact on life. however by using what we know to our advantage we can form more efficient and sustainable ideas to help preserve this big chunk of land and water we call home!