
Lately I’ve found myself very pressed for time.  I just have more things that need to be done than I can reasonably fit into the amount of time I have available.  It happens to everyone from time to time.  I’m pretty sure it happens to law students more frequently than you’d like to think about.   There’s nothing you can do about it.  You just have to figure out a way to get through it.

So how do you work through these times?  It requires prioritization.  You have to analyze what really needs to be taken care of right away as opposed to what can wait a little bit longer.  The things that are most important, you address right away.  The things that are of less value to you (or to the people depending on you) get pushed to the back burner.  (As I’m writing this on Sunday afternoon, I’m coming to grips with the fact that getting a Moneywise Tip out on Monday morning was a higher priority to me than either getting a haircut or cleaning my bathroom.)

It works this same way with financial priorities.  Sometimes there’s not enough money for all of the things that you would like.  So you have to figure out what’s important enough to address right away (usually the requirements, like housing and food), and what can wait for a time when the cash flow is a bit better (usually things like concert tickets or new clothes).

So next time you’re wondering how to make your money stretch a little further, think about what’s the most important.  Prioritization can make the decisions a little easier.

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