Give Yourself a Little Grace

We’ve reached that point in the semester when everyone is exhausted and overwhelmed.  The stretch from Labor Day to Thanksgiving break seems eternal.  The will to do what is required isn’t as strong as it needs to be.  This happens every year at this time.  And it’s not just a student sentiment.  The faculty and staff are right there too.

You may think I’m about to head into a “you can do this” pep talk.  But I’m not.  Today I want to focus on how it’s ok to give yourself a little grace.  On Sunday when I got back from a four day training conference, my email was a little out of control.  I thought about logging in and trying to clear out the jam Sunday night.  But I gave myself a little grace.  I let the email sit until Monday.  And because of that I did not get my weekly email out on Monday like I normally do.  But it’s email and the Moneywise Tip.  Nobody is going to die if these things are delayed by 24 hours.  And giving myself that concession was a better choice for my mental health.

I’m not saying that you should skip classes and turn in assignments late.  I am saying that sometimes things you are working on won’t be quite up to your standards.  Sometimes you may have to say no to something you would prefer to take on.  Sometimes you will have to pass on a social event.  Sometimes you may substitute a convenience option from the supermarket rather than making something from scratch.  Corners may be cut.  And it’s ok to give yourself a little grace.  Nobody is perfect.  Nobody has infinite time.  Everyone is tired.

Life can be overwhelming.  Especially when you are in law school, and you see exams peeking around the corner.  Take a breath.  Look at your priorities.  If you can take something off your plate, do it.  If there is someone who can help you, ask.  Give yourself a little grace.  Is the world going to end?  Is anybody going to die?  Likely not.  It’s ok to make yourself a priority.  And now…what you expected earlier….you can do this!!!

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