Step 2: Smile Wider

Fig. 1. Earn Money By Taking Pictures.

Say cheese! This week I explored the magical powers of smiling. I had a very stressful week, so this exercise ended up being more of a coping mechanism. The rules I made for myself were: wake up and smile, when I felt sad or frustrated I had to smile, before I go anywhere I had to smile, and smile once before I went to bed. I chose to go through this “smile therapy” in an attempt to be happier, which I believe to be a very important step to raising my self esteem and nurturing my confidence.

I first learned about the benefits of smiling through family members constantly telling me to “smile” or to “brighten up.” I am not a naturally smiley person, and that doesn’t mean that I am not happy! There are some people who are smiley people, and there are some people who aren’t. There is no judgement either way. However, I began to research why smiling is so important. I found that smiling boosts productivity, decreases stress, but most importantly smiles improve your mood even if they are fake smiles (Hall). I was amazed to see the number of benefits that smiling brings you, but I wanted to focus on improving my well being. I wanted to utilize the effects of de-stressing and increasing my mood.

At the beginning of the week, I had a lot of fake smiles that would slowly turn into real smiles. On Monday, I received my test scores from a quiz, they were less than ideal, but I smiled through it. At first, I was smiling out of spite almost. It was like when I was younger and my mom would tell me to breathe. I would complete the task with no hope that there would be a result. I wanted to be mad and beat myself up for not studying hard enough, but instead I smiled. I had to smile for a long time in order to adjust my mood. Slowly, I could feel the anger leaving my body, it was almost like my shoulders had released all of their tension. That was my first mood change after I smiled. I was much calmer and I felt like I thought more rationally, I realized that one quiz grade does not

Fig. 2. Pavlechko, Lauren.

define me as a student. As the week progressed, my smiles started to feel more genuine. I even began to laugh after smiling for a while. My week did not get better, but my outlook improved. I started to realize that while I don’t need to smile every time, sometimes tricking your brain into thinking that you were happy could make you happy. So, if you are ever in a situation where you need a little pick me up: just smile. Think of something happy no matter how down you feel. Take a step back and get a new perspective.





Hall, Alena. “11 Surprising Reasons You Should Smile Every Day.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 7 Dec. 2017,

One thought on “Step 2: Smile Wider

  1. I think this is my favorite post of yours so far! Personally, I love to smile. I smile at everything in life so I can brighten myself up and hopefully the people around me as well. Most of the time, the first thing people notice about you is your smile, so if you smile often, they may see you as a friendly and confident person. Also, the picture of you is gorgeous. Keep smiling!

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