Where I got my THON start

I have been involved with the four diamonds for over 5 years now. I started with the Four Diamonds when my high school started a min-THON club. This club was a smaller and more customized version of THON here at Penn State. I was a freshmen and looking for a new club to join, so I joined mini-THON because I wanted to make a difference. Since, this was the first year, it was very un organized, but I stayed after school to make posters and to bake brownies for the bake sale. I tried really hard and made some great new friends.

A mini-THON is still a dance marathon to celebrate year-long fundraising efforts, but our high school would not let us stay overnight. Our even was 10 hours in duration of no sitting, but there were other things to participate in like the volleyball tournament, arts and crafts, watching the game, playing board games, or running around on the bouncy houses. There was so much to do and it was all accommodating for students of any age.

That January, when we had the event, my life changed. I felt this electric energy that came from the love at this event. As a freshmen, I was scared to talk to and interact with the upperclassman, but at this event they came up to me to ask questions, and I realized that they aren’t as scary. as they appear. My first mini-THON was electric. I stayed on the dance floor the whole time trying to pump everyone up and keep them motivated even though it was late.

Looking back on my first mini-THON is nostalgic. I didn’t know the world that I was opening up for myself or the love that I was bringing into my life. After freshmen year, I applied for a leadership position within the club. I was shooting for secretary or VP, but the club advisor reached out to me and asked me to interview for president. I was honored and naturally I said yes. It was my first real interview for anything, so I was nervous. I honestly don’t remember a single thing about that interview, but in about two weeks the advisor pulled me out of Econ 100 and told me that I would be sharing the presidential position with a sophomore. I was so excited! I remember telling my mom and dad, and they both were so proud of me for finding something that I loved, and for advancing myself into that world.

So, for the next three years I was president of my high school’s mini-THON. It was a tiring task, but it was work that I loved to do. I had some of my best high school memories with mini-THON, and I am grateful for all of the opportunities it has given me. The people that I have met, the leadership team I was able to direct, and the money I have raised have all left a mark in my heart. I love what Four Diamonds stands for, and I can’t wait to see how my THON journey continues through my time at Penn State.

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