What does THON mean to me?

All around social media you can see members of the PSU family or Four Diamonds family posting a picture that readsĀ ” I THON for…” followed by a heart-warming thought. I, myself, have posted one of these pictures. Not only do they symbolize the reason why we THON, but it also broadcasts to the world that we are taking a stand against pediatric cancer. These heart warming thoughts are often put on the palm of the persons hand, and while I was writing my reason why I THON I started to question what THON meant to me. THON has always been a beacon of excitement in my year. I always had a level of nerves as well. I wanted everything to go perfectly, or at least as well as it could go, and I felt like it was on me to make sure my dancers were happy and that the families felt welcomed. It is the people that make THON so great. I THON for a long list of people that I couldn’t just fit on one hand.

I THON for…

Dustin Beaver

Marcus Josey

Emilia Dameshek

Colby Bubb

Izzy Stonesifer

Teresa Illicete

Teddy Morton

Josiah Garcia

The Seeger Family

Ronald Pavlechko

…and the hundred more children and families that are apart of the Four Diamonds family.

I THON for all the kinds who can’t. I THON for a future. I THON for more smiles. There are so many reasons why I THON, which is why THON is more than just 48 hours. THON is more than a “student run philanthropy committed to helping the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer.” THON is a family. From the people in the hospitals to the people in the stands to the fundraisers and committee members, THON is a family.

Fig. 1. The BJC at THON

I think it is part of what makes Penn State so great. This family we have created together out of love and support not only impacts the children and families battling everyday, it impacts us. I know I was struggling for a long time my freshmen year, and this family saved me. The weekly meetings I went to gave me hope and made me realize that I was exactly where I belong. If you weren’t involved in THON this year, I highly recommend it. It changes you life. It changes mine, and THON continues to inspire me each day. It reminds me to keep the four diamonds with me: Honesty, Courage, Wisdom, and Strength. One of the last things someone said to me at THON was “raise your diamonds high and look around. Look at what we have done, together.”


Get ready for THON 2021!


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