What does THON mean to me?

All around social media you can see members of the PSU family or Four Diamonds family posting a picture that readsĀ ” I THON for…” followed by a heart-warming thought. I, myself, have posted one of these pictures. Not only do they symbolize the reason why we THON, but it also broadcasts to the world that […]

Where I got my THON start

I have been involved with the four diamonds for over 5 years now. I started with the Four Diamonds when my high school started a min-THON club. This club was a smaller and more customized version of THON here at Penn State. I was a freshmen and looking for a new club to join, so […]

THON: The Aftermath

THON was officially over. All 46 had been completed and all of our hard work had been celebrated. It was a bittersweet moment. I was sad to have what made my freshmen year so special end, but I was excited for some sleep. After I got back to my dorm I got myself my first […]

THON Weekend: Final Four

Finally, my time as a dancer relations committee member had come to an end for the year. For the final four hours, my committee and I stood in the stands together and really took in our last few moments of what we had worked so hard for. It was all very emotional. Typically, in the […]

THON Weekend: Part 3

I came back early Sunday morning to see that my dancers seemed a little down. One of them was very cold and was complaining of pain in his knee, and the other was exhausted and his feet were in so much pain that he couldn’t stand on one for too long. So, I really brought […]

THON Weekend: Part 2

On the second day of the weekend, I had two different shifts. The first was earlier in the morning. I was tired, but I knew my dancers were even more tired. While 4 hours of sleep is not a lot, they didn’t have any sleep. They were fighting for the kids. When I got there […]

THON Weekend: Part 1

As I walked onto the floor of the BJC for the first time, my heart felt electrified. The cheering from the stands was deafening. I had never seen so much energy and love in one location. Before we went to go find our dancers our captain, Maci, made us huddle up. She gave us a […]

7 Days Until THON

This week was full of excitement! I had two THON events that kept me busy, but in the best way. The first event was on Tuesday, it was a locker cover decoration event. So, each dancer at THON gets their own locker. This is where they can put a change of clothes, a phone charger, […]

14 days until THON

There is 14 days until THON, so the excitement is building. There have been many important things that happened this week. This week I had my weekly meeting, a dancer wellness event, and we received our dancers for THON weekend. All of these moving parts are essential to my mission throughout the weekend: support the […]

21 Days Until THON

Back in high school, I was president of my school’s Mini-THON for three consecutive years. So, I was exposed to THON at a young age. I knew coming into Penn State that I wanted to be heavily involved in THON. So, one of the first things I did my fall semester was interview to be […]