Dr. Giovanni Jiménez-Sánchez was awarded his Ph.D. diploma on Saturday night at PSU’s Commencement.  He was recognized for his significant contribution to the atmospheric science community’s understanding of the Orinoco low-level jet (OLLJ).  The OLLJ is roughly a 2000-km long and 400-km wide current of air that flows from the Atlantic coast down the Orinoco River valley of Colombia, primarily during the nighttime in the cold season.  Dr. Jiménez-Sánchez documented its structure and provided the first explanation for its formation.  The OLLJ is of great interest to aviators in Colombia given the number of airports influenced by it.

I am so proud of Giovanni.  A Ph.D. is always an uphill climb, but what made the efforts of Dr. Jiménez-Sánchez even more remarkable was the fact that he performed his work in a research group (that studies severe U.S. convective storms) in which he was the sole source of expertise on the topic he was studying.

I am also grateful for the support of his family and friends, many of whom were present for the momentous weekend, even having traveled all the way from Colombia.  I’m glad they could be here.  I want to especially thank Erika and Juana for being so supportive.  Hopefully less stressful times are ahead!

Dr. Giovanni Jiménez-Sánchez receives Ph.D. at Fall, 2018, PSU Commencement Ceremony

One thought on “Dr. Giovanni Jiménez-Sánchez receives Ph.D. at Fall, 2018, PSU Commencement Ceremony

  • December 20, 2018 at 1:45 am

    Dr jimenez

    La verdadera amistad es un tesoro que muy pocos conocen, hoy la felicidad me embarga, viendo a mi gran amigo y compadre, cumpliendo otro de los tantos retos que se ha propuesto. En 1994 cuando partias hacia Cali, sabia que estabas para grandes cosas y la vida menha demostrado que tenía razón.

    Un abrazo enorme mi querido Doctor. Y que sigas cultivando muchos éxitos junto a tu hermosa familia. Dios los bendiga. Te quiero mucho mi querido compadre.

    Andrés Vega


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