We are…Penn State!
- The Winter 2025 Newsletter can be accessed here! Expect the Spring Newsletter at the end of March.
- The New York trip will happen on April 22-23, 2025. See updated information here when it becomes available.
- Read about our Winter Event (and see photos) and about our 2024-25 scholarship awardees.
- The Antiques/History Study Group will take a trip to Williamsport on Wednesday, April 30. Find details here.
- If you have a question about Interest Groups, contact psuuwcinterestgroups@gmail.com
- Anytime that you need a “print buddy” to provide you with a copy of a UWC-related form, email psuuwc@gmail.com
Welcome to the website of the
Penn State University Women’s Club,
a member of the Big 10 Women’s Clubs organization.
As an organization dedicated to supporting Penn State, we share the University’s commitment to inclusion and diversity and welcome as a member any woman with our common concern for the interests of The Pennsylvania State University, the community, and each other.