Civic Artifact Speech Outline


9:03 September 11th 2001, where were you? ( Pause for effect) I am sure that the memories and feelings that come to mind from this vary widely from person to person. Personally, I don’t remember much from that day, but what I do recall is just the general sense of panic not only internally, but also radiating throughout my household. The events of that day were so tragic that even a young child could understand the magnitude of the situation. From the 9-11 attacks you are most likely familiar with my civic artifact, the slogan “never forget”.


Point 1: Evaluation of the Evolution of the Slogan

  • Discuss past uses of the slogan
  • Why must we never forget?
    • Ensure that it does not reoccur
    • To learn from our past mistakes
    • To honor the lives of those affected
  • Never forget as used today
    • Discuss context outside of 9-11 attacks
    • Show twitter feed of #neverforget


Point 2: Call to Action

  • Immediate call to action after tragedies
    • 9-11
      • Blood Donation
      • Patriotism
      • Church Attendance
    • World War II ( Holocaust)
      • War effort at home
      • Enlistment of men
  • Call to action over time
    • Pay respect
    • Civic engagement in Middle Eastern affairs


Point 3: Have we truly not forgotten?

  • Longevity to remembrance or is it cyclical?
  • You can’t see the time 9:11 without thinking of the tragedy
  • Do we only remember the date?
  • Nearly all events occur on the anniversary
  • Will we eventually treat the events of 9-11 like the Holocaust?



How our citizens remember these tragic events display the civic of our country. Although civic engagement resulting in the “never forget” slogan has become more passive over time it is still very prevalent. It calls on everyone weather they are: young or old, male or female, white, black or any other race to strive to prevent the evils of the past from reoccurring and to honor those who suffered injustices. The “never forget” slogan exists for the very purpose of creating a more civic world in which it will never again have to be used. Thank you

3 thoughts on “Civic Artifact Speech Outline

  1. ekh5175


    Your speech is so powerful! You chose a great civic artifact that truly causes people to stop and think. I especially was able to connect with your opening attention-getter, as I had basically the same experience of 9/11 as a child. Even though I was too young to truly understand what was going on, I do remember that I was picked up early from pre-school, and that my mother was crying while watching the news later in the day. I think that this civic artifact is specifically relevant to our age group because of the contrast between the tagline “never forget” and the fact that it is difficult for us to remember the event since we were so young. I am looking forward to hearing your full speech!

    –Elissa Hill

  2. kem5833

    I really love your civic artifact, and it is unique how we all relate to that slogan in different contexts. I am anxious to hear how it has evolved throughout history and how its relevance has changed. These two words are very powerful, but I agree with Sienna that at times they are downplayed. I am sure speech will convey an informative and historic message, and I can’t wait to hear it!

  3. Sienna D Mcnett

    Your speech is definitely very strong and emotionally driven. The audience should definitely be able to connect in some way to what you are saying! One thing I have noticed is that over the years 9/11 seems to have been downplayed. For example, during the last 9/11 it seemed as if our memorial and remembrance was very small in scale to how it has been in the past. Why do you think this is?

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