My name is Ethan Asam and my junior year of high school I enrolled in Microbiology because my sister recommended it and the teacher was one of the best in the school. Microbiology turned out to be one of the most interesting classes I have ever taken and it really sparked my interest when it came to science. Gram Staining and looking at bacteria and diseases just amazed me. (ECOLI)
I heard great things about Science 200 when signing up for my classes so I thought like Microbiology that Science 200 could really get my attention and spark my interest. I don’t plan on majoring in the Sciences because during high school I learned that my skills in Chemistry were god awful. Mols just didn’t like me it was that simple. I also really enjoyed biology yet it was really challenging to me to figure out cellular respiration and photosynthesis. People often have also thought of me as a business man so I feel that my skills suit a business major more than a science major. You can learn what sparked my interest in science by clicking here.
Totally agree with you about the Business major thing!
Random business related link: