The first of many

Hey everyone! The name is Valerie Ortense, I go by Val, or Seeds (I’m addicted to sunflower seeds) and I am a freshman. I’m taking this class because for one, it fills Gen Ed credits, and two, I read up on what this class was about and realized that this type of science will probably be very interesting. It isn’t hard physics or chemistry with numbers (which I have always been ridiculously bad at) so I thought it could be fun. I am not a science major becasue I am not good with numbers, and I dont see where the money can be made out of it unless you make a breakthrough with some new medication for cancer or something crazy like that. And for me, that is highly unlikely. I chose to go to Penn State because its closer to my favorite place to be: Killington Vermont doing what I love; skiing. Now, dont get me wrong, I am NO WHERE near as good as these people, but I wish I was!


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