The Vegan Trend

vegan“So like, if you’re a vegan what do you eat?” Is probably one of the most frequently asked questions a vegan gets. But really, what is it they eat? And why go vegan in the first place?

You may be aware that veganism isn’t just a diet; it’s a lifestyle. It’s a lifestyle of not only abstaining from animal products you consume, but any animal product at all such as makeup and clothing. However, many people aren’t choosing to go vegan for the lifestyle, but for the health benefits. A study done in 2008 by the Vegetarian Times showed one million Americans have taken on a vegan diet.

The health benefits are countless. An overwhelming majority of studies show vegans are thinner than non-vegans, and stay thin. Most diets show weight loss while on them, but once you stop and hope to retain your new weight, it’s almost impossible. Veganism makes it easier to stay thin being that it’s not a diet, it’s a way of life. Vegan foods are less calorie dense and lower in fat than animal products, and because all plant foods contain zero cholesterol, eating that way allows us to shed weight in a sustainable way (Oprah).

It’s also been said that vegans have an increase of energy. Most say they sleep better, have better skin, and have improved nails and hair. But what’s most valuable is the belief that a vegan diets increases your antioxidant intake which has been proven to help fight certain types of cancer.

If you’re not convinced to go vegan yet, do it for the environment! Growing plants takes much fewer resources than growing animals thus reducing the toll on the environment.

Still not convinced? Do it because all the cool kids are. Bill Clinton, Natalie Portman, Carrie Underwood, Ellen DeGeneres, Usher, Mike Tyson, Anne Hathaway, and Ariana Grande are all among celebrities who have adopted the fad of the vegan diet!







2 thoughts on “The Vegan Trend

  1. Maryann Deanna Valentine

    After reading your post, I automatically thought of my friend who went on the vegan diet. During my senior year of high school, she began reading books about what she could/could not consume. After educating herself enough, she began her vegan journey! First off, I was so infatuated by her decision because it was super interesting to hear her thoughts, experience, diet, and cravings. After a while, she did not crave anything with animal products. She said she loved chinese food (minus the meats, of course). Foods like rice, veggies, grains, and beans were her go-to for a superb dinner! She stuck to fruit for breakfast. She lost some weight with this diet, but after ending it later on in the year, she gained the weight right back. I do not think going vegan is a great idea due to the withdrawals afterward. After ending this diet, your body is not used to consuming such products which will result in many stomach problems. Another issue is the weight gain afterward as well. Rapid weight gain is not good for anybody. Check out this link for other reasons why going vegan is not the smartest idea!

  2. Emily Swope

    I really didn’t know that much about being vegan before reading this post. I always thought it was very limited eating and imagined having almost no energy because of that, so it’s interesting that they actually have more energy. I guess that makes sense since the food that vegans eat is healthier. I also didn’t realize how it was much more than just a diet. I could see how that could help to keep weight off, because a diet just involves food but being vegan influences all other areas of your life and just changes how one lives overall.

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