Skinnyme Tea

Ever since I was a little girl, Lipton green tea has been my Go-To treat late at night. There is nothing more fabulous than taking that first sip of hot tea on a Netflix type of Friday night. Tea, to me, is refreshing, hydrating, cozy, and delicious. As I’ve experimented with different types of teas, I’ve learned tea has many benefits. One being that green tea can help to boost our metabolisms. I thought this was awesome since I already loved the taste of it, and now it would help me lose weight to? How awesome! I begin to test-taste many teas to see which I liked/disliked. I’ve tried teas like Chocolate Movement tea, Lemon tea, Earl Grey tea and Chamomile tea.



(Photo with my favorite Piggy tea cup)

Recently, my tea obsession has led me to find a discovery! I came across a new type of tea found in Australia. This new tea is called Skinnyme Tea, and you can purchase it at . Supposingly, this tea is an Australian based health supplement that can increase weight lose. Skinnyme Tea, founded in 2012, has been a huge hit on all Health Instagram accounts, so when I came across the product, I figured I’d have to do some research. I was curious. What’s all the ruckus about SMT? And is it even good for you?

There are many different opinions on this new fad. Many people love the idea of a weightloss tea, whereas others feel this is bad for you. Which do you believe?

Those who admit they love this tea say that SMT has boosted their metabolism. According to the Skinnymetearesults instagram, women feel as if the tea relieves bloating, and provides more energy throughout the day. The account also provides before and after pictures of women who have taken on the SMT challenge. In all these pictures, there is a defined difference.

On the other hand, those who are against Skinnymetea say the tea is bad for your health. According to Jay_Killeen‘s article “Is SkinnyMeTea weightloss safe?”, the colon cleanse is actually a type of laxative in itself. Also, the tea uses a shrub called a Senna plant which irritates the bowel. The tea simply tries to make all food leave the digestive system. After women stop this teatox, they gain the weight right back.

After learning about SMT, which side do you take? Are you pro Skinnyme Tea, or are you anti SMT?


Instagram account: Skinnymetearesults


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