With the seemingly endless pressure of conforming to societal beauty standards, there has been an increase in the mannerisms in which one is able to improve their physical attractiveness.  With the introduction of LaserSculpt, a less invasive version of Liposuction, there has been an increased sense of interest in the process of removing body fat.

Liposuction was first invented, and presented in Italy in the 1970’s as a way to remove body fat without dieting.  Even though Liposuction soon became the most popular and requested procedure in America, the surgery required long recovery time periods, and was often painful and quite expensive.  LaserSculpt, contrarily, offers interested individuals in a much less painful procedure, a process that is not only safer and more wallet-friendly, but also results in less downtime and less loose or saggy skin, a consequence of the procedure that often requires additional attention and/or fixing.

The usage of laser technology with LaserSculpt allows the operator to have an increase in precision, and often “melts” fat immediately, with an increasing, or more noticeable results after the procedure.  According to LaserSculpt‘s website, a LaserSculpt procedure costs up to 30% less than that of an original Liposuction surgery, costing roughly $4,000 rather than the initial $6,500.

The creation of a less invasive operation is rather interesting, and shows how far technology and the usage of lasers has advanced in recent years.  However, I am afraid that with the invention of processes such as LaserSculpt, people will begin to rely on immediate fixngs such as forms of Liposuction, rather than healthy eating and exercise.  Also, with the more pressure than ever to conform to society’s beauty ideals, I feel as if there is a greater need for regulations concerning teenagers and young adults, girls particularly, before ensuing the process of receiving treatments such as LipoSculpt.

Johnson, Susan. “5 Common Sense Steps for Easy Weight Loss.” Susan J Sohn 5 Common Sense Steps for Easy Weight Loss Comments. N.p., 21 Sept. 2010. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

“Traditional Liposuction vs LaserSculpt.” Traditional Liposuction vs LaserSculpt. LaserSculpt Network, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

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