Twin Telepathy


Pictured: my brother and I right after his accident; the blue line above his lip is the stitches

Eight grade: one twin is eating in the classroom with the girls while the other one plays football on the playground with the boys. I, the girl, looked in the mirror and marveled over the hive on the upper lip that appeared out of nowhere. Having allergies to food, I thought nothing of the hive until my brother came upstairs from the playground. While playing football, he collided with another boy and got a concussion, but that wasn’t all. In the same exact place where I got a hive, his tooth went through his lip, resulting in a bloody hole. I knew at this moment how closer we actually were. Nothing like this has ever happened to us and to this day that is the only slight telepathy we have every faced.

Although there is no scientific proof of twin telepathy, there are unexplainable anecdotes that occur to many duos. People say these occurrences happen to people with extremely close bonds and I have known no bond closer than that of my brother’s and mine. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence of this being the case but still does not prove that twin telepathy is an actual manifestation.

One thought on “Twin Telepathy

  1. Blake Matthew Birns

    My brother and I are not twins but I often feel like we’re thinking the same thing. I don’t think “Twin Telepathy” is real but I think it depends on how close you are with your sibling.

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