Is the G-Spot Real?


I was watching a show on MTV and for some reason the different entertainers and comedic personalities were discussing different sexual topics. The topics varied from the preferred types of contraceptives to the Big O all the way to the G-Spot.

Now I am not the most sexually experienced person. The most experience I have comes from reading romantic novels and talks with my sexually adventurous friends. However, when the topic on the G-Spot came up I started to wonder. The G-Spot, named after German Psychologist Grafenburg, “is an area in the front wall of the vagina which is alleged to produce an extremely intense orgasm when stimulated (Free Dictionary)” My question was if there was a magical- spot in the vaginal canal “rumored” to send women over the edge, then why were so many women constantly left unsatisfied or unable to reach orgasm through just vaginal penetration?

After a little searching I found a study conducted by researchers at King’s College in London. In the study, the researchers used over 1,800 female twins. They hypothesized that there is no genetic factors that show that G-Spots really exist, but “environmental or psychological factors may contribute to whether a woman BELIEVES that she has a G-Spot (Landau).”

The lead study author, Andrea Burri, supplied the women with surveys. In these surveys they were asked if they thought they had a G-Spot. They described it as a “small area the size of a 20p coin on the front wall of your vagina that is sensitive to deep pressure (Landau)”. The researchers discovered that about 56% of the participants believed that they had a G-Spot (by using twins they were able to cancel out the genetic correlations). The participants were also asked if they were able to achieve orgasm during intercourse, but only 30 percent answered yes. The 30 percent result showed that some were confused by the question, because the purpose of the G-Spot is to induce orgasm.

Debby Hernbenick, a research scientist at Indiana University, concluded that the clinical definition given in the experiment is too specific, and does not take into consideration the size and location that some women perceive their G-Spots to be. Hernbenink says, “It’s not so much that it’s a thing that we can see, but it has been pretty widely accepted that many women find it pleasurable, if not orgasmic, to be stimulated on the front wall of the vagina(Landau)”.

One important thing that the study did find was that the women who reported to having G-Spots were on average more extroverted and opened to experiencing new things. Burri concluded through these correlations that there were psychological components to the G-Spot.

Landau, Elizabeth. “Finding the G-Spot:Is it Real?” Cnn. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. <>.
TheFreeDictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. <>.

3 thoughts on “Is the G-Spot Real?

  1. nao5072 Post author

    I read the article that Chelsea linked, and it is very interesting. It makes me feel like women have this cool superpower.
    Also,no one ever really thinks about how many neurological and psychological factors play in sex. For example,I once watched this health show and in it a woman was suffering through a neurological problem. This problem caused her to have an uncountable amount of orgasms a day, in which she had no control over.

  2. Olivia Yvette Noble

    This was a very interesting topic. I liked the idea that maybe the “G-spot” is just a psychological thing. A lot of people believe certain things because they want to believe, but sometimes in reality it doesn’t really exist. A person can be so caught up in something that it can just turn completely true to them. This to me really just depends on the person most likely. Great post!

  3. Chelsea Jaye Silbiger

    Wow. I am surprised to hear that there was a scientific study involving twins. It is interesting to note how people experience sexual pleasure in different ways. It is an interesting topic and I wonder if given more time and research scientists can come to a consensus. It is interesting to note that someone people claim to be able to “think off”. For more information pertaining to the idea that people can orgasm by thinking visit this link:–help-man.html

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