Effects of Artificial Sweetener

Often time whens people are trying to lose weight they do so by cutting down on sugar consumption. Instead of using sugar they will use an artificial sweetener, thinking it will only benefit their intended diet. Yet, new research shows that these artificial sweeteners may actually have a similar effect that regular sugar has on body, and in turn can cause diseases like diabetes or obesity. New research emerging may have people stop and think what is their effect is their intended diet really having on the body?

These new experiments in their early stages were strictly tested on mice, and used the three main types of artificial sweetener which are Sucralose (Splenda), Saccharin (Sweet N Low) and Aspartame (Equal). The results of these tests showed that the mice who drank sugar water had no inverse affects on their health or body, where to ones who consumed artificial sweeteners showed an intolerance for glucose. This intolerance was shown in the form of changes of microbiome, or the bacteria in the intestines. After consuming these sweeteners, the mice had a higher level of glucose and it took longer for this level to go back to normal. Eventually, these mice showed the intolerance, they were given antibiotics and the levels went back to normal.

After showing a effect on mice, the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel tried their experiment on humans. Although only a small group of seven people, four of them showed identical reactions to the mice in the experiment. Since it is such small group, and this research is still in its beginning stages, the researchers are not asking for sweeteners to be avoided altogether. Instead, Cathryn Nagler of the University of Chicago asks that people “take a step back and reassess our extensive use of artificial sweeteners.”

While the research is not exactly extensive, it is a start. There is essentially no point to using these sweeteners in substitute of sugar if they potentially have similar or worse effects on the body. Although this research also showed that these effects are not necessarily universal, they are possible which should create a pause before making the switch from real sugar. People may feel as though by changing to artificial sweeteners they are making a difference, but in reality they are creating either similar or worse effects on their body.


Source: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/17/artificial-sweeteners-may-disrupt-bodys-blood-sugar-controls/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0

2 thoughts on “Effects of Artificial Sweetener

  1. Azhane Morris

    Dana, I read a great amount of blog earlier similar to yours and one thing I can say is every other study I’ve read used human beings as their sample. So thank for pulling a study exclusively on mice.
    Also I did ask another student in her comments if he or she meant to say consuming these artificial sweeteners would lower our tolerance to ingest the regular sugars, so thank you for clarifying that in your blog. Also, I didn’t know or wouldn’t have guessed it had anything to do with the bacteria in our intestines. You are continuing to amaze me because your blog definitely presents some new information as opposed to the other ones I’ve been reading with a sugar focused subject.
    Yes, I do think that was WAY too small of a sample size and coincidently, that has been the issue for a lot of the studies I have been commenting on.
    My question is who exactly was studied? White men? In another student’s post, her study excluded every other race and even the opposite sex.
    I would definitely agree the molecular make-up of the artificial sweeteners are not that different from ordinary sugar and sugar substitutesaren’t all that good.

  2. Weng Ee Then

    I completely agree with you. If people are so concerned about losing weigh through decreased consumption of sugar then they should just use less sugar not substitute it with artificial sweeteners. I mean the name itself is scary “artificial”, I don’t want anything clearly labelled artificial going into my body. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I’ll be sure to stay away until someone proves that they are okay for consumption.

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