Initial Blog Post (I hate Science)

Hello All,

My name is Madison and I’m a sophomore studying Public Relations in the College of Communications. I’m from Erie PA, the 2013/2014 winner for the snowiest city in America, wooo! I decided to take this class because I needed a science requirement and I have not had very good experiences with science classes in the past. Science does not interest me in the least, which is funny because both of my parents have majors in forestry and my mom is a high  school biology teacher. I wish I could say the interest is in my blood, but it’s not, unfortunately. I’ve always been better when it comes to the reading, writing, and speaking aspects of education, which is why I plan on taking the Communications route. However, as much as I dislike Science, I think this course will be interesting to me because it applies science to everyday life and touches on a lot of topics I’ve never really learned about in previous classes. Good luck to everyone taking this class!

And here is a picture of a sunset on Lake Erie:

Lake Erie Sunset



One thought on “Initial Blog Post (I hate Science)

  1. Xiaotong Wang

    Yeah, the thing going on myself is kind like your situation: my mom’s a microbiology doctor who is very good at science part, but science just can’t work on me! I feel annoyed with anything related to science since I was a kid. But since my major is Gology–science:(, and I really want to good at it. So, there I am, sitting in the same class with you!

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