Author Archives: Autumn Dugger

Are modern day corsets safe for women?


Me wearing the waist trainer


The big new trend is a new undergarment that is popular among women. Celebrities and everyday women are investing in these latex body shapers in hopes of gaining a hourglass figure. Recently my mother gave me a waist trainer and I love it. It takes a little getting used to but I feel like it is helping me monitor my food intake while extremely tightening my abdomen area. But is this ancient practice safe and effective?

The myth is that the waist trimmer will magically transform your body by just wearing it. No, the corset is actually very dangerous if it is not used properly. There is the risk of accidently shifting internal organs and pushing them closely together and there is no scientific data indicating accurate results from wearing the garment. Keri Peterson, a doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC says that the practice has no medical standing and is an outrageous idea. Realistically a garment extremely tight around your waist will not shed inches but it will dramatically decrease your daily calorie intake. Your body is tricked into feeling fuller while wearing the corset and your eat less which is what really causes the weight loss.

The corset could cause acid reflux because of the constant pressure on your abdominal area. Acid reflux is when solids or liquids drip back into the stomach and travel to the esophagus which causes painful heartburn and indigestion.  The corset could also cause  trouble breathing regularly. The pressure on your lungs and diaphragm can be problematic when trying to take deep breaths in and out. The pressure does not allow your lungs to completely fill up with air. Also from personal experience , it is very hard to exercise with the corset on because it does to restrict your body movements to a certain  extent. Corset can also cause bruising, scratching, irritation and chafing on the skin beneath the garment. Constipation is common when wearing the garment as well because your intestines are being heavily compressed for a long period of time. The corset could cause the unexpected results of slowing weight loss. In order for the body to run properly you need to get enough oxygen and this is compromised while wearing the corset.

The corset is not one of the healthier choices when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy body. It could actually be doing more damage than benefit. There are several alternative options for weight loss that have more longevity and safe results. Personally I will still use my corset because I want to see if there is any change in my body. I am more aware of the side effects so I will be more careful when using the garment. Life is all about risks.


Are teeth whitening kits bad for our bodies?


I have never tried the strips because I solely depended on toothpaste and regular oral health to keep my teeth white and healthy. There is always room for improvement so I wanted to see if they were actually safe.

Whitening teeth involves chemicals and changing the natural color of your teeth. Bleach is involved when trying to achieve the perfect white smile. Home kits contain high levels of hydrogen-peroxide which could actually reduce the strength of enamel. One of the safe ways to whiten teeth is with your doctors permission and a laser procedure performed by the dentist. The hardest stain to remove are tetracycline stains which are caused by using anitbitoics that contain it. The highest level of bleaching would be hard to remove this stain because normally these stains are permanent.

A 2012 study published in the Journal of Dental Research in the UK has shown that increased amount of hydrogen peroxide weakened the tooth enamel. Men and women between the ages of 18-25 showed that over a long period of time being exposed to hydrogen peroxide changed the internal structure of the teeth and caused damage. At home whitening kits with over 35 % of hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous for your teeth and can cause irreversible consequences.

The safest way to keep teeth clean and white is to use whitening tooth pastes at home. Although they may not have a huge impact on your tooth discoloration it will be the safest way. Even if the procedure is done by a dental hygienist there is still a risk of accidently bleaching your gums. Also constantly bleaching your teeth via in office or a home is bad because it weakens tooth enamel. The safest ways to keep healthy teeth is to avoid acidic drinks, brush and floss your teeth regularly.



Is there a connection between water and clearing acne?


Teenage years are when the worst cases of acne appear. I used to have a huge acne problem but after going to dermatologist, my face was almost fully clear. I have just started drinking more water because I want to lose my last 10 lbs and I was wondering if I could kill two birds with one stone. Losing weight and clearing my skin. People always recommend drinking more water to help your skin but I do not know if it is the water working or the acne cream.

Essentially water is good for the body because it keeps the body going, maintains a healthy amount of body fluids and helps your kidneys detox the body effectively. Water helps your skin look healthy and moisturized as well. But it will not magically cure acne. Acne is caused by stress, excess production of sebum (oil), hormones and the buildup of bacteria. Teenagers naturally release a hormone called Androgens but during puberty it increases causing the sebaceous glands to expand and create more sebum than normal. This begins to build up on the skin and allows bacteria to enter causing breakouts.

Drinking water will not reverse this process or make the acne become less severe. It is a common myth that 8 glasses of water will help to clear acne. 70% of our body is made up of water so it is an essential to our survival. Sugary caffeinated drink will not replace the directed amounted water intake per day even though they contain water. If a person drinks nothing but sodas and juices all day and then switches to drinking water 24/7 there will be a change but not a cure. Drinking water is better than soda and juices that fill our bodies with toxins ,waste and have no nutritional value but water is not the cure for acne. It does clean our cells of toxins and help keep our skin moisturized and fresh but it has not affect on the over the overproduction of oils which cause acne.

Drinking more water should still be a priority because of the health advantages but it will not make your acne significantly better or worse. Water is beneficial but not the correct medication for acne.

Does sitting in front of the TV damage your eyes?


When I was little I used to always sit in front of the TV because I didn’t want to miss anything. This was before I found out I needed glasses in the third grade. I personally do not think that sitting in front of the TV contributed my falling eye sight. There are several myths about what will affect your eyes. Like if you cross your eyes they will stay that way (false) or that carrots will improve your eyes sight (false).

Focusing on an object for too long will not hinder your eye sight but it will make you feel a little dizzy and have a slight headache. Just think about it, phone and computer screens are the same as TV screens. Everyone who has uses a phone does need glasses and they spend a large amount of their time on the devices. The most you can get it irritation. Dr. Mark Borchert the head of the vision center at a hospital in Los Angeles said that average children spend more than 4 hours on any type of electronic device with a screen and there has been no permanent damage reported. It is just one of those things that parents have passed down from generation to generation when our technology was less advanced.

In the 1960’s the assumptions was that the TV was giving off x-ray radiation that was over the normal amount. The people who sold these defective television suggested that children should stay a safe distance from the TV so that the radiation would not affect the eyesight. The officials at General Electric estimated that the amounts of radiation were 10-100,000 times more than the usual amount. If a child is sitting too close to the TV they probably needed glasses before sitting close to the screen. The TV does not cause  eye damage but it does cost irritation so it is not recommended.


Does inhaling gasoline fumes hurt us?


It is inevitable to not smell gas fumes on a regular day basis if you own a car. There car needs gas which you have to physically pump into the car. I personally do not like to be near gas or gas stations because there are too many scenarios that could happen because of the flammability possibilities. Also because I cannot afford a car to put gasoline into.

Inhaling gasoline can be an addiction for some people. The small gives them a temporary high which is quick fix for everyday problems. People can also buy gasoline legally which gives them a greater opportunity to get high without anyone becoming suspicious. Sniffing the liquid and gas form of gasoline can be very harmful to the human body. Direct skin contact with gasoline can cause harmful chemicals leak into your skin and cause complications. Gasoline contains hundreds of harmful chemicals that are extracted from oil. Inhaling these chemicals can cause a temporary high, headaches, lung and nose irritation, dizziness, coughing ,impaired judgment etc. All of these are just from a small exposure to the substance for a short-period of time.

Over years of inhaling gasoline at a abnormal rate people will experience lung problems, organ failure or damage, pressure on the heart , permanent nerve damage, exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide and possibly brain damage. The high levels of hydrocarbon components that make gasoline dangerous are being inhaled and cause irreversible damage to the body. Inhaling gasoline for a long period of time and at larger amounts could also lead to death. Those toxins are not good for our body and should be avoided at all costs. That is why people die from staying in a inclosed place with their car running , the gas has harmful effects on our body. The safest way to not be affected by the substance is to not purposely sniff it and to stay away from heavily gaseous areas like near exhaust pipes or in a enclosed place with engine running. The occasional gas pump will not cause extremely harmful effect to the human body so don’t worry.


Is bottled water safe for our bodies?


The big new trend is the filtered water because people now think they are too good to drink tap water. Personally I can drink either form of water , it depends on which one is closer to me at the time. Growing up I have always drunk tap water with ice and no one told me that is was and that it should be filtered or bottled. Now some people feel that they are too good to drink tap water but there are pros and cons to both. I remember I went to go visit my aunt in Florida and warned me about the tap water. She said they only drink bottled because the tap water wasn’t safe and it tasted weird.

Water can contain many pollutants that can cause harm to the body such as lead from pipes, human and animal waste, chemicals from factories and many other hazardous pollutants that could cause illnesses. Tap water is thoroughly tested for these substances so that the water will be safe for the public to drink and use for cooking purposes. The EDA monitors the maintenance of the water to the public to ensure of everyone safely. If problems arise the public will be notified immediately but can the same urgency done with bottled water because there are millions of bottles of water that could have been affected or not affected at all. The chances of catching a pollutant are greater in with tap water.

The FDA regulates the production of bottled water but have many of the same regulations that the EPA requires in tap water? There are water quality outbreaks all the time but with bottled water there is a slightly higher risk because of the plastic. The handling has to be monitored carefully as well as the delivery to the consumer. Essentially both are essentially safe for our bodies is if they are filtered and handled properly. Pregnant women, HIV/AIDS positive and people undergoing chemotherapy have to be cautious with both types of water because it could create damage with contaminates. My little brothers doctor told my mom to only give him tap water because it has more fluoride for stronger teeth. A difference between the two liquids is that bottled water tastes better but has less fluoride.

Bottled water is good if  you are on the go but there is nothing wrong with tap water. Bottled water is expensive like the Evian and Fiji water so why buy it when tap water is just as healthy but doesn’t taste as good?






Why do college students need 8 hours of sleep?


Sleep is a very important part of life in general. I love to sleep but I do not always have enough time in the day to get my full 8 hours. On average I get between 4-6 hours of sleep per night not including weekends. Most of this is due to the constant attention I give to my cell phone but I do not feel sleep deprived for the most part. The Penn State lifestyle reduces the amount of sleep students get because of the abundance of activities available throughout the day and night.

The body would not be able to function without sleep.  Sleep gives the body and mind rest, it rejuvenates the body , helps fight of illness, relaxes the body and helps put people in better moods throughout the day. Sleep is essential for our body to function and perform everyday activities. College students are some of the most sleep deprived individuals because they are a product of their environment. Busy class schedules, demanding workload, juggling jobs and finding time for campus activities can be very time consuming and leave little time for sleep. The normal guideline for the amount of time a person should sleep is from 7-9 hours per night. The time varies from person to person, as long as you feel refreshed when you wake up your are getting a good amount.

College students get approximately 6-6 1/2 hours of sleep per night which is below the recommended amount. Some effects of not getting enough sleep are lose of memory, irritability, weight gain, lack of focus, increased stress levels, and a drop in academic performance. All of these consequences could be avoided by getting the right amount of sleep each night. Time management skills are helpful to ensure that you get a good nights sleep. This would also give you a piece of mind and not have the added stress of being unorganized.

College students do need 8 hours of sleep to put forth their best effort in the busy day. 8 hours of sleep per night improves your quality of life in a social and heath aspect.  A better attitude, better eating habits, improved sex life and better test scores etc. The benefits of a good nights sleep outweigh the cost of staying up on cell phone (guilty), hanging with friends or any other activity that is preventing you from getting your full 8 hours.


Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?


As a child I remember my mother always telling to stop cracking my knuckles because it would cause arthritis. When your told not to do something by an adult that only makes children want to do it even more. I’ve continued to crack my knuckles since then but only because my hands felt tight and heavy. I crack my knuckles at least 3 times a day not to annoy other people but to relieve tension. The only thing I recognize that is different about my knuckles is that they have gotten darker over the years.

When people crack their knuckles it is because there is a build-up of gas in the joint which causes irritation and stiffness of the joint. The cracking sound of the knuckle is the release of gases that formed a bubble in the synovial fluid which surrounds the knuckle. The release of the gas temporarily relieves tension in the joint until the gasses are dissolved in the synovial fluid again.

There are two main types of arthritis which are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the swelling and inflammation of the joints which does not have a definite cause. The most common form is osteoarthritis which is caused by the wear and tear of joints over years. This is more common in people over the age of 65. There are different claims about whether or not knuckle cracking is a gateway habit into developing osteoarthritis. The constant cracking and popping of joints causes trauma and stress on the joint over time and could lead to osteoarthritis. A study published in the British Medical Journal indicated that after years of popping his finger joints a man began to have pain in his hand which is a sign of osteoarthritis.

Another study reported in the Annals of Rheumatic Disease preformed a study where 300 people who often cracked their knuckles were observed to see if they would develop the disease. The group of people normally did not experience more cases of osteoarthritis but there were other damages done to the joints. Frequent knuckle crackers have more joint pain, swelling and loss of grip after  long periods of popping the joint. Cracking your knuckles does not directly cause arthritis but it will cause problems in regards to hand movement and function the more frequently the joints are cracked.

It is too late for me to stop cracking my knuckles because my body has adjusted to the routine cracking. I crack and pop almost every bone in my body regularly so there is no turning back now.


Is birth control safe for our bodies?



As technology continues to advance there are more options available to women to prevent  unwanted pregnancies . Birth control is used for two main reasons which include regulating the menstrual cycle and preventing pregnancy. There are five popular forms of  birth control contraceptives which include pills, needle injection , IUDs, a patch on the skin and implantation of the preventative under the skin. Women have the option to choice between any of these methods. The only truly safe form of birth control is abstinence which is not a likely option because of human nature.

The birth control pill that allows women to have a regular cycle is called the combination pill. A common risk with this is an increased chance of forming blood clots because of estrogen levels. Women could also experience frequent migraines if they  were affected by them before taking the pill. Another option is the extended cycle pill which allows women to have 4 short cycles per year or no cycle at all. This pill carries the same side effects as the combination pill but there is a increased chance of spotting between cycles. There has been no indication that women need a cycle every month however by reducing the cycles it becomes harder to determine if a woman is pregnant.

IUDs or intrauterine devices are inserted into the vagina and release the hormone progestin  into the body to prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. If pregnancy occurs while using the device there is 50% higher chance of having a miscarriage. A woman could contract pelvic inflammatory disease and there is a higher chance of getting a sexually transmitted disease if there are multiple partners. An alternative option is the birth control patch that lasts for a week but this form releases 60 % more of estrogen into the body than the pills which significantly increases the risk of a blood clot. The needle form of birth control is injected every three months. The effects are excessive bleeding and possible bone density loss if taken at a young age. The last form of birth control is the implantation of a small plastic stick under the skin in your arm. This lasts for 3 years and the cost ranges from $400-$800. The effects of this could be pain at insertion site, heavy bleeding and yellowing of the skin or eyes.

All medications come with side effects or unlikely complications. If the contraceptive methods discussed above are not used and maintained properly then yes birth control is not healthy for the body. However if the forms are taken as directed and monitored by a doctor regularly then there is no reason not to use birth control. People say that unnecessary hormones are released into the body but there has not been a study discouraging the release of these hormones. I personally believe that decision should be left to the individual. If a woman is willing to accept possible side effects and complications to prevent pregnancy then that is her personal choice. I have had a bad experience with birth control in the past but it effects everyone differently . There are several options to test out to see which one works the best for each individual.


Is hair growth due to genetics ?

Hair is very important in my life. I recently cut all my hair off in hopes of growing it back more healthy and stronger. My family has a good hair system . All of our hair at the least passes our shoulders. But length does not mean that it is healthy. My G-mom has thin hair due to her thyroid condition and my mom’s hair is also thin. My hair is thin too but hopefully because I went natural there will be a change. Based on my family hairline it could go either way. Only time will tell me if my genetics are more dominate or less dominate in relation to my mom and G-mom.

Genetics determine how a person will look physically. We inherit certain characteristics from our parents such as eye color, height, body structure , hair color and so on. If a parent has short hair most likely their child will have short hair if they inherit that specific gene but there are a variety of other outcomes. A great grandparent could have had long hair which caused the child to have long hair despite the parents hair length.

Genetics plays a huge factor in determining how your hair will grow , how long, the thickness and color. Hair growth is dependent on how long an individual’s hair will stay in the growth phase. Some people stay in hair phase for 2-3 years and others lasts over a longer period of time. Every person is different but you can kind of predict what your time span will be based on your parents, grandparents and even farther down the line. Although I have a twin sister our hair textures are different. My hair is thicker and softer than hers but she has longer hair than me even before I decided to cut my hair off. Genetics works in mysterious ways.

For ethnic hair , growth depends on genetics and how we maintain and care for our hair. For instance chemicals are not good for our hair. These chemicals include perms, hair dye and texturizers. They damage our hair, cause breakage, and a permanent new texture of hair. Heat is also a factor  that controls hair growth. Heat only singes our hair follicles and leaves them permanently straight with excessive use. Our hair is kinky, course and sometimes naturally dry. Moisturizers, conditioners, protective hair styles and hot oil treatments are good ways to promote hair growth. Genetics and  hair care are factors  that control ethnic hair growth. The longer we leave our hair alone there will be a higher chance of growth this is why protective styles are heavily used by the black community.

Every person is different because they will have different hair types, different inherited genes and different life events that effect hair growth. Stress, physical activity , hair care and genetics are all factors that control hair growth however genetics is the more dominate factor.







Is Depression a mental disorder ?


Every person in the world will experience hardship, loss, anger, betrayal and sadness. Happiness is not a 24-hour feeling. Emotions vary in life when different events occur but why is it classified as a mental illness to have brief or extended period of sorrow or despair?  Sometimes when I am in bad mood or feeling sorry for myself I jokingly say that I am depressed , but in reality the  events in my life have changed and I have to adapt to them. American doctors and psychiatrists have found a mental disorder for every misfortune in human life today.  Sadness turns into  depression disorder. Angry outburst turn onto bipolar disorder.

People often become depressed due to drastic changes in lifestyle, self-image, lack of physical activity or  lack of good relationships with people. Many things can cause people to go into these  depression periods. Some people go into a depression while other have low periods due to the daily activities in their lives. The difference is that the depressed people do nothing to try and boost their moral they fall into a deep pity for themselves while other people realized that something has to be changed and they move on with life.

Research has been done to help aid the people with the depression (drugs) but no one has proved if the disorder is actually a chemical imbalance in the brain. Of course prescription drugs will alleviate some effects of depression because drug change your body. They are the temporary solution to fixing a someone’s supposed chemical imbalance. They get a temporary high and then fall back down. The only real solution to depression would be from a  change in a person’s attitude and mindset. The drugs are just a clutch to heal post-partum depression, manic depression, dysthymia depression and so on. All the healing a person needs is from within and with time not with drugs that poison your body , create side effects and sometimes make the person worse.

People need to stop allowing doctors and researchers to get rich off of the treatments for mental disorders. They are getting rich while the public is falling deeper into dependence for medications that society has made them think will cure them. Americans need to start thinking of the long-term effects of these drugs on their bodies and minds.


Depression Is Not An Illness: It is an Adaptive Mechanism






My First Post

Hello everyone,

My name is Autumn Dugger and I am from Philadelphia, PA. I am currently in DUS but I am interested in a Business major. I need to explore the different sections of the business department first so I will not have a set major this semester. I enjoy science, but it was never a thrilling subject for me. I am more of a English type of girl. Interpreting and finding deeper meanings though literature is more my style. A interesting fact about me is that I have a twin sister that also attends Penn State. Also I love to listen to music all the time. One of my favorite artists is the R&B singer August Alsina. The picture below is August Alsina.



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