We may have heard that our pets at home can predict the weather. Is this statement true though? Scientific evidence may prove that they can. I don’t know about some of you but the weatherman in my hometown has been known to get the weather wrong from time to time. Hopefully if scientific evidence can prove that they can, we won’t have to listen to weather personnel anymore.
Could you even begin to imagine if our animals could predict the weather? Lives and cities would benefit greatly from this in the case of a really bad storm. On Dec, 26th 2004 a tsunami destroyed most of southeast Asia. Many people perished in the tsunami but what struck me as fascinating is that almost no animal lives were lost. Could these animals have known before hand? Scientists say that these animals react to the changes in the environment and not necessarily to the weather. However some scientists also believe that animals have the ability to sense these disasters before hand but there really is no evidence to prove this.
After reading more about this phenomenon and interesting story it is also stated that the animals use our 5 senses a lot better than humans do. This may let us know of an incoming disaster but animals won’t be able to tell lets say, an earthquake for example is coming they won’t know what an earthquake actually is. Animals that can sense and feel vibrations in the ground may be able to predict an earthquake as well. Many researchers are examining whats inside an animal to test to see if they can pick up these early warning sign like senses compared to us when we can just feel them.
I even stumbled upon a list of animals that may be able to predict the weather. There are 8 animals listed. They are frogs, birds, cows, bees/butterflies, sheep, ladybugs,ants,and the famous groundhog. Each animal was described as having their own ability to predict the weather but I thought was pretty cool was the ladybugs. Apparently as we all know it’s freezing in State College, ladybugs seek shelter when colder weather is on the way. In conclusion I believe that it is fascinating that some are actually believed to predict the weather. On the other hand scientists haven’t been able to prove if they could and with no scientific evidence there is really no way of knowing. Hopefully if scientists and researchers find out what is making these animals have this so called ability, we can all benefit greatly from it. Also I would like to note that many people think dogs can predict the weather but I found it very interesting that they weren’t on the list.