Intro to SC200

Hi I’m Fini from a small town in New Jersey by the beach. Fun fact: Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen live in the town next to me and I go to the same gym as Bruce. Like many others I have the unoriginal answer in saying I am simply taking this course for a general ed requirement. My advisor said a lot of freshman took and enjoyed this class and as a communications student any science class that didn’t really sound like a science class appealed to me.

Science and I were never friends in high school. Lab reports were the death of me and I’m pretty sure I still don’t understand the difference between independent and dependent variables. I hated that my previous science classes were based on memorization and following the instructions precisely in order to just get an “A”. I feel like that isn’t the way to actually learn and remember information for a lifetime. That’s why I’m actually excited for this course, and I’m also in love with Andrew’s accent (but honestly who isn’t?)

Here’s an ariel picture of the beaches at home. Jersey isn’t as dirty as you think.9d668553c11966847c724b8caf2957f3

And here’s a video of the world’s fastest clapper Kent “toast” French. One can only dream to achieve the amount of success as this rare man.





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