Initial Blog Post

What’s up everyone,

My name is Jonathan Solimano and I’m from Montvale, NJ, which is about 20 minutes away from New York City. I have a brother who attends Amherst College, in Amherst, MA. I played golf in high school, and it is still one of my biggest hobbies and passions. Because I love golf so much, I have decided to major in Golf Management here at Penn State.

I am taking this class not only because I needed the Gen Ed, but I love what this class has to offer. I was never a science person in high school, and the only class that I was at all interested in the science field was forensics. I went into this class not knowing what to expect, but so far I love the sound of it. Critical thinking is something that I want to make stronger, so this class will be perfect for that. The different things we will discuss seem very interesting, so I am excited to start and learn about these topics and concepts. Andrew also adds a lot to this course, because of how interested in making us better critical thinkers he is. I think when a teacher is as passionate about the topic as he is, it is very easy to be engaged and want to keep learning.

I love New York City, so here’s a picture of the nighttime

Also, here is one of my favorite songs.

6 thoughts on “Initial Blog Post

  1. Nicholas Eric Pulos

    Since you said you’re close to New York, it reminded me that my brother used to live in Brooklyn in a town called Park Slope

  2. Katherine Alexandra Bartkowski

    Your major sounds awesome. I played field hockey my whole life, basically all I know and if i could somehow do field hockey management as a major, that would be awesome. This is my favorite song by the Chainsmokers.

  3. Wayson Wu

    I agree with you that I am not that interesting in science classes until this one. Andrew sounds interesting and he is able to catch my attention, and I hope that I can get a good grade in this class.

  4. Eric Horowitz

    I actually have never golfed before but i do also come from New Jersey. A small town known as freehold. The chain smokers music you link was awesome i think you would like this as well. musiclink

  5. Katie Anne Hagar

    I have been getting the same feeling about this class. I did not enjoy science in high school either but I got good grades in it so I chose this course too. I also belong to a golf course where I live called Waynesborough Country Club When I was there this summer I met our intern golf pro who is actually in the Golf Management program here too as a junior!

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