Hey, everyone! I’m a freshman. My name is Jinghao Zhang, and I’m from Kunming, a city in southern China. I’m looking at supply chain management, but I’m currently enrolling at DUS. this is not my first year here in America. I have actually spent 2 years at a private high school at Newport New, VA. it was fun, and I really miss those old days.
Speaking about Fun facts of me, I’m really fascinate about religions, especially Buddhism. Given this being said, I have traveled to Tibet twice, and that place impressed me a lot. During my trip to Tibet, there were a lots of people talking about they want to return sometimes. This made me feel curious. What draw them back? Rugged mountain, torrential rivers, and those perilous roads, none of those can stop them returning time after time. After I finished my trip, I got my own conclusion: this mysterious place awakened my childhood wander and silenced my ego. By batting my life on the road, itmakes me feel alive. If you ever want to travel to Tibet, check advices here.
About why I’m choosing this course, to be honest, I just don’t feel like I want to spend extra hours on science subject, solving puzzles and equations. Yeah, science loathing, that’s why I’m taking this course. However, I found this professor is an awesome guy, and really interesting. I really expect what I’m going to learn next.