Hey SC 200,
My name is Adam Evans and I’m real excited to start my freshman year here at Penn State! As of now I’m in the Division of Undergraduate Studies but I plan on doing something in the business field. I’m from Bethlehem, PA and in high school I was involved with many things such as wrestling, mini-thon, debate team and student council. Coming to a school the size of Penn State intrigues me and I’m very excited for the next four years that I face and the many things that will come along my path.
Coming from a family with parents as teachers I always thought that was the right career for me. I originally was in Penn State’s school of Education but after thinking about it I decided I actually had no idea what I wanted to do. That realization lead me to the Division of Undergraduate Studies. I’ve had friends who’ve taken this class in the past and they’ve had nothing but great reviews about it. They convinced me this would be a great class to take so I took their word and joined the class. I’m looking forward to the various things we’ll be talking about in this class along with meeting many of the students in it as well.
Lehigh vs. Duke basketball game.
Here is a live link from the Lehigh vs. Duke basketball game.
I do not know much about Pennsylvania but I do know where Bethlehem, PA is. I drive to Bethlehem, PA when visiting my brother at school. He is currently and junior at Lehigh University, studying finance. I always brag to my brother that Penn State athletics are so much better than Lehigh but he reminds me that Lehigh upset Duke in 2012 in the NCAA. Lehigh was ranked number 15, while Duke was ranked number 2. This was a huge win for the Lehigh Men’s Basketball Team. Here is a live link after Lehigh beat Duke.