Initital Blog Post

Hi, my name is Liz Sweitzer and I am a freshman here at Penn State. I am from Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, which is about an hour outside of Philadelphia. I am currently in DUS but looking to major in marketing. I chose to take this course to satisfy gen ed requirements and my adviser helping me schedule at orientation knew I didn’t like science, so she recommended that I take this course. I am not planning on being a science major because I have never really enjoyed the science classes that I took throughout high school. Biology never really made any sense to me and, although easy for me, I found Chemistry extremely boring and repetitive. I look forward to this class this semester because there are many topics that seem interesting and not stereotypical science topics. I am excited to see how this course hopefully can change my views on science.

Here’s a picture from this past summer when I went to Riviera Maya, Mexico
