Can Robots think like humans?

This questions includes three small question: 1.What is consciousness? 2. Can consciousness be put in the machines? 3. How to make sure that consciousness has been put into a machine?

Nowadays, humans can only make sure that humans have consciousness themselves but when it comes to other species, this becomes a extremely hard question. Does a dog have consciousness? A cat? A tree? A stone?  The biggest question is that we can not measure consciousness by computers, and there’s no official measurement for consciousness.

Research in artificial intelligence is the ideal human-made or conscious thinking into practice, so far, achievements in this field is still very limited. But with advances in computing power, there are a lot of people believe that artificial intelligence can be achieved within a few decades.

Carnegie Mellon University, director of the Mobile Robot Lab Hans Moravec to believe that in 2050 mankind will manufacture a completely intelligent robots, I’m sure we can design and human behavior identical robot.” he believes that if the robot’s behavior seemed to have consciousness, then it is the other issue more than just words.
Oxford mathematician and cosmologist Roger Penrose is not so optimistic. He believes that computers can only arithmetically way to run, but in this world there is always something not by the axioms and rules of calculated steps, so robots and humans can never be compared. He also believes that awareness is tiny structures in the human brain by quantum mechanics presented in a way something that is beyond any capability of the machine.


this is the movie about a robot which has conciousness and this is the link to the introduction of this movie

One thought on “Can Robots think like humans?

  1. czc5448

    This is a great topic of discussion and point you bring up. Being in such a technology savvy society, I think technology will eventually take over us. Even today, people can’t go anywhere without there phones. Technology is becoming much more advanced year after year, and I wouldn’t be surprised if robots are created to think like and may even be smarter than humans.

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