You are standing in an art museum, admiring a beautiful painting hanging on the blank, white wall. It’s a painting you have never seen before and you are standing in a museum you have never been to, but for some reason you can’t shake the feeling that this has happened before. You don’t know what it is, but you were here before. Or so you think.
It’s happened to most of us. In fact 70% of the population has reported having experienced this phenomena. The feeling that you’ve already experienced the current moment you are in. This feeling is called Deja Vu.
The term déjà vu is French and means “already seen.” This is a complex concept and there are many different theories behind it.
Swiss scholar Arthur Funkhouser suggests “that there are several “déjà experiences and in order to better study the phenomenon, the shade between the experiences need to be known.”
Déjà vu has been associated with temporal-lobe epilepsy. One theory is déjà vu can occur prior to a temporal-lobe seizure. People who get these type of seizures experience déjà vu during seizure activity or in the moments between them. Several psychoanalysts think déjà vu is simply one wishing fulfillment. Others believe it is a confusion in the brain that causes the brain to mix up the past and present.
Another interesting theory is that it is a form of remembering past lives. Some believe we dismiss this and just look at them as coincidences. Researchers believe their significance is the feeling of familiarity. They believe it is the universe telling you that you are exactly where you should be, at the right time, with the right people. They believe the moments are signs that are telling you that you are on the right path.
One theory says that deja vu happens when two separate universes are in sync.
Theoretical physicist Dr. Micho Kaku explains the idea that multiple universes coexisting and come together to create the feeling of deja vu. “This theory is possible but doubtful. The idea of multiple universes is an accepted by many people. It is believe we are surrounded by them all the time and made up of different waves. These waves work on different frequencies, but we can only see and experience those that are on the same frequency as us.”
One last theory is the theory of memory in deja vu. This theory states that we remember things that happened to us from all points in time. For example, we remember things from movies, readings, and TV shows as our own personal memories. This could explain why when standing in a foreign country for the first time, looking at land we’ve never seen, we feel like we’ve already lived that moment.
There are so many theories that explain the odd phenomena known as deja vu. It could be anything from past lives, to seizures, to multiple universes, to memory. No matter what it is, when you are standing in front of a painting you’ve never seen in a museum you’ve never been in, but swear you’ve lived in that moment before, you are bound to be curious about what caused you to feel that way.
Deja Vu is very interesting topic. I experience deja vu quite ofther and it was interesting to read about different thories od what it can be. I really like the idea of deja vu being a messenger of the universe telling us that we are on the right place with right people. Thank you for sharing this topic with us!!!
Loved this post and it really intrigued me to learn more about what deja vu could possibly be. I believe that there is a chance that reincarnation is possible so I decided to look a little deeper into that part of your blog…
Many people believe that the feeling of deja vu you encounter when you’re with another person is a sign that you had a significant connection with them in a past life. It is assumed that destiny brought you and the other person together and that the moment you’re in at that very second was meant to happen.
An experiment was performed by Ian Stevenson which looks at the idea that we reincarnate with loved ones from the past. He studied 31 sets of twins and believed that he was successful in proving his theory.
It’s definitely a difficult concept to grasp and kinda scary. But anything is possible…
This blog post really stuck out to me because I have deja vu all the time, it’s actually really weird sometimes. I’ll be hanging out with my friends sometimes having a conversation and I would feel like I’ve had the same conversation before, with the same people, and the same people saying the exact same thing that I’ve heard before. It really freaks me out sometimes but I find it very interesting. I wish there was just one explanation to it and why it happens but hopefully one day there will be.
Most of the time when I experience deja vu it is something that I have previously dreamed. I wonder if there is any connection between deja vu and dreams? For example, can dreaming something stimulate you to do it in real life? Or is it just coincidence that you dreamed the same scenario. Interestingly enough, I had deja vu writing a post for this blog earlier today.
I really enjoyed reading this article as I myself have experience dejavu quite a few times in my life, maybe even too often! I found the science behind it (like the coexisting universes crossing over one another) to be very interesting although it may be “doubtful”. I am very intrigued by this theory and I don’t think it is as doubtful as you may think! However on the other hand, I definitely agree with the memory aspect, and that we may have just been experiencing things again / remembering them looser and that may just be what dejavu entails. Anyways, nice job, I really enjoyed reading this!
I loved reading this post because deja vu has always been something that really confused me. I experience deja vu very often, a lot of times it will feel like I’m reliving a conversation I’ve had with someone. I always assumed that deja vu was some sort of memory glitch caused by the brain. The one theory about multiple universes seems really interesting. I’m not sure if I believe in multiple universes but it seems like something that could happen and I want to look into that theory more. This was a very good post!