Is Monogamy Reasonable

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Most couples vow “till death do us part” however is it reasonable to assume that humans should mate for life? Ideally everyone would find their true love at first sight and be together forever but I am not naive, for I know that it not the case. Divorce and cheating are common Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 11.00.59 AMterms in today’s culture so it is natural to wonder if humans are actually meant to be with one person from early adulthood till death. Further are all humans the same in their ability to remain monogamous?

When you dissect the question of monogamy down to animal instincts and primal behaviors it is clear that monogamy is not common. Only 3% to 5% of 5,000 different species of animals mate for life. According to evolution we are ancestors of primates, so clearly we are going against nature in maintaining monogamy. The point of most long-term, monogamous human relationships is producing offspring and raising a family. However Jane Lancaster, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of New Mexico says that the bond of raising a child “can fit into all kinds of marriage patterns – polygamy, single parenthood, Monogamy.” This proves that humans do not need the commitment of a monogamous relationship in order to be fulfilled.

Gender is another important variable in monogamy. Does gender affect the likelihood of staying committed while in a monogamous relationship? Males are typically considered the less faithful gender. Daniel Kruger, a social and evolutionary psychologist at the University of Michigan, says that in human relationships “there’s more paternal investment than in most other primates” so men cannot be completely at fault.

Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 9.41.39 AMWhether humans are meant to mate for life and it’s just a matter of finding the right person or polygamy is the answer, divorce rates have spiked within he past 50 years. The question of monogamy is an important topic to consider especially as society continues to change. How to preform the necessary experiments and studies to find the true answer is unclear.



One thought on “Is Monogamy Reasonable

  1. Eric Robert Kisner

    I really do wonder how long it will be before monogamy is no longer seen as the “norm,” because it seems to me that this norm has been shifting for a while. Divorce is more prevalent than ever, and there are also more people just having sex and having relationships just for the sake, because obviously sex and attraction are completely human things, so it’s good that people feel they can just be happy without the pressure of feeling like it has to last a lifetime. When it comes down to it, monogamy does seem sort of arbitrary, especially considering how unanimously accepted it is in our culture. It seems that it just doesn’t line up with human instinct, and doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand with raising a child but I suppose whatever makes people happy is what matters.

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