When will the doomsday come?

When will the doomsday come? I believe that many people discussed this question with friends and their families before. And few people can get a exact answer from who they asked to. And we saw lots of movies about the doomsday, people died because of diseases,  global catastrophes, and so on. People will imagine all the possibilities that would cause this world to destroy and people to die. Moreover, some people or some organizations gave some prediction about the doomsday and lots of people believed those prediction. For example, some religions have some versions about the doomsday, however, what is the exactly real answer for this question: When will the doomsday come?

The Mayan once predicted that the date of end-of-world was Dec 21,2012. And before that day came, lots of people discussed about this and lots of people actually afraid that Mayan’s prediction would come true. And in that period, there was a movie called<2012>, and the movies was so real and all the catatrophes those can happen in the earth happened in one day in that movies. And the movie was excellent and made more people concerned about the date: Dec 21,2012. But now we are in 2015, which means that the Mayan Calendar end-of-world debacle is over, and we should happy for that.


Some scientists predict that all life will be wiped off our planet in less than 1 billion years”


  • Astrobiologist Jack O’Malley-James says the sun will get hotter and hotter causing greater evaporation which will reduce carbon dioxide levels
  • This will mean there is eventually too little CO2 for plants to survive
  • When they die out, herbivores will also die out, followed by carnivores
  • Microbes will then be all that remains until another billion years later when the seas will also dry out meaning very little life will remain”

Those are information I found in this website .

And I summarize o some possibilities that will cause humans to extinct.

  1. Asteroid impact
  2. Gamma ray explosion
  3. Drift of the black hole
  4. Solar outburst
  5. Very large scale of volcanic eruption
  6. Global Warming
  7. A worldwide plague
  8. Nuclear war
  9. Robots dominate the world

The following form is the resource I found online, which are the newest list of the predictions of the doomsday.

2015 Oct 7 eBible Fellowship Chris McCann and the eBible Fellowship group predict the possible destruction of the universe on this date, which is 1600 days after Harold Camping’s date of 2011 May 21.
2020 Jeane Dixon Dixon claimed that Armageddon would take place in 2020 and Jesus will return to defeat the unholy Trinity of the Antichrist, Satan and the False prophet between 2020 and 2037. Dixon previously predicted the world would end on February 4, 1962.
2021 F. Kenton Beshore Beshore bases his prediction on the prior suggestion that Jesus would return in 1988, i.e., within one Biblical generation (40 years) of the founding of Israel in 1948. Beshore argues that the prediction was correct, but that the definition of a Biblical generation was incorrect and was actually 70–80 years, placing the Second Coming of Jesus between 2018 and 2028 and the Rapture by 2021 at the latest.
2026 Messiah Foundation International Members predict that the world is to end in 2026, when an asteroid would collide with Earth in accordance with Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi’s predictions in The Religion of God. The chances are only 1 out of 300,000
2060 Sir Isaac Newton According to Sir Isaac Newton’s research of the Bible, Jesus will rapture his Church one jubilee from the time of Israel re-acquiring Jerusalem.
2120 Adnan Oktar According to abjad interpretation of a hadith, this Sunni Muslim creationist claims that the Last Day will come about the year 2120.
2129 Said Nursî According to abjad interpretation of a hadith, this Sunni Muslim theologian who wrote the Risale-i Nur Collection, which expected the end in 2129.
2200 Various Using a cricket analogy of the doomsday argument, all humans should have been born before the 23rd century
2239 Talmud, Orthodox Judaism According to an opinion on the Talmud in mainstream Orthodox Judaism, the Messiah should come within 6000 years from the creation of Adam, and the world could possibly be destroyed 1000 years later. This would put the beginning of the period of desolation in the year 2239 CE and the end of the period of desolation in the year 3239 CE
2280 Rashad Khalifa According to Rashad Khalifa’s research on the Quran Code, the world will end in this year.
11120 John A. Leslie Using Leslie’s figures for the doomsday argument the last humans will be born within the next 9120 years.
500,000,000 James Kasting According to this scientist the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will drop dramatically, making the Earth uninhabitable.
5,000,000,000 Various scientists The end of our Sun‘s current phase of development, after which it will swell into a red giant, either swallowing the Earth or at least completely scorching it. It is widely accepted by the scientific community that the earth will be destroyed around this time. However, as the Sun grows gradually hotter (over millions of years), the Earth may become too hot for life in only a billion years from now.
10100 Various scientists The heat death of the universe is a theory, in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain motion or life.


2 thoughts on “When will the doomsday come?

  1. Stephanie Ann Loesch

    Hello! This blog post is quite relevant as many people nowadays are constantly trying to predict when the world will end. Honestly, it is quite a mystery when or how this will occur. Many religious people claim the day can never be mapped out. Due to the Mayan prediction, a kid from my school prepared for the end of the world with his family. He stayed home from school for a few weeks. I found this odd as I had no belief in the theory. I remember our school intended to have a dance this day so if the world were to end, we would all be having fun dancing together. I believe something as a solar outburst may be the reason the world ends. I do not think the Earth can continue functioning forever, as something will disrupt its peace. There are endless theories but I believe we are not close enough to be able to predict a time period in which this will occur.

  2. Hannah Rose Papa

    This post reminded me of how my best friend was so scared of December 21, 2012 because she really believed the world would end. There were so many things that made us believe that it was possible, especially because we were learning about it in history classes and the movie made it seem so realistic. Especially by the choices us humans make now, the world could not be going in the right direction especially with global warming. I am very skeptical about some of the topics that scientists believe will cause the world to end and here are what many skeptical people believed in 2012.

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