Alexandria’s Genesis – truth or myth?

Once I found this interesting article that was talking about the condition called “Alexandria’s Genesis”. It was the first time I have ever heard about something like this. I clearly remember the picture of Elizabeth Taylor under the article and how beautiful she is on it.

The origin of the Alexandria’s Genesis takes place in 2 different legends. First one states that during one night at Egypt people saw a light in the sky. People who were exposed developed purple eyes and their skin turned to be very pale. These people left Egypt and disappeared in Europe. They used to be called “Spirit People”.

The other legend states that after 6 months eyes of the girl named Alexandria turned from blue to purple. Because of this priest was sent to her because this kind of unusual trait was seen as sign of “witchcraft”. The priest stated that Alexandria is very special kid and her eyes are the gift. Two children were born by Alexandria with the same traits and this is how name of “Alexandria’s Genesis” was born.

Alexandria’s Genesis is a mutation of genes that makes person’s color of eyes change from blue to purple within the six months after birth. People with this condition tend to have pale skin that does not tent or burn. Hair color is dark and the interesting thing that there is no other hair on the body but on the head, eyelashes, eyebrows and nostrils. People with this condition tend to be healthier and live longer, their immune system is much stronger and that is why owner of this kind of eyes rarely fall ill. There is also a theory that aging process of these people stops at age 50, and these people can even live even live until they are 150 years old. The body is very well proportioned and high metabolism prevents person from being overweight. Women are fertile even though they do not menstruate. The vision is not affected and stays the same throughout the person’s life.

There is no explanation for this condition nowadays and even its existence is under the question. First of all areas of the body and its functions that are affected cannot be controlled by one single mutation. Being fertile without menstruation is possible. “No human skin can resist burning. Melanin can protect the skin but it will make the skin darker, not just slightly toned”. The oldest person in the world lived until 122 years old, what makes statement about age of 150 totally impossible to believe.

What do you think? Is it possible for such condition to exist or it’s just a tale?

2 thoughts on “Alexandria’s Genesis – truth or myth?

  1. Montana Telman

    I really wish we knew if this was true or not. I saw a post about this on tumblr and twitter once and I found it very intriguing. I’ve also wondered a lot about Elizabath Taylor’s eyes because in some pictures they appear purple and some they appear blue, is it just lighting? I find it enjoyable how this topic is so unknown and uncertain at the moment, there’s little evidence or theories behind it yet it draws so many people in.

  2. Mackenzie Jo Pardi

    This is so cool. The whole concept around having purple eyes to having a fast metabolism to being able to stop aging at 50 and live for a longtime. Our society is filled with the desire to live and stay beautiful for as long as possible so this condition would be the answers to people’s prayers. I wish I had this sort of condition but I honestly believe it’s a tale. While it’s rare and most likely you wouldn’t see someone with this condition why haven’t we heard about that much? If such a phenomenon existed our society would be all over this to trying to discover people who had it. But here’s to wishful thinking…there’s so much out there we don’t know so who really knows?

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