About a month ago, I was talking to a friend when he started complaining about his dad. He said that he was eating a banana and his dad told him he should throw it away because he was being unhealthy. Obviously I was surprised when I heard this. Like most people, I’ve lived my life thinking that there was no downside to eating bananas or any other fruit for that matter, but as it turns out, there’s a limit.
The average banana (126 grams) is made up of 110 calories, .5 mg of vitamin B6, 9 mg of vitamin C, 450 mg of potassium, and 3 g of dietary fiber (Chiquita Bananas). It also has 0 grams of fat, cholesterol, and sodium (Chiquita Bananas). All of this seems to indicate that bananas are perfect for the body’s health. In fact, studies have shown that bananas have positive effects on blood pressure, heart health, both types of diabetes, mental faculties like memory and mood, and even the prevention of asthma and cancer (Medical News Today). Other benefits include better digestion, weight loss, vision protection, and keeping bones strong (Szalay).
The problem, though, is when people eat too many bananas. “Most health experts recommend no more than two bananas per day” (Med-Health). Eating too much can lead to headaches, sleepiness, nerve damage, tooth decay, lack of fat and protein, and hyperkalemia, “which is characterized by muscle weakness, temporary paralysis, and an irregular heartbeat” (Med-Health and Szalay).
Based off of what many studies have concluded, my friend’s dad was wrong when he said eating a banana is an unhealthy choice. If you are part of the very small fraction of people who eats more than two bananas a day or if you know someone who does, I might’ve just given you a reason for the headaches or other health problems you are having. These studies prove that “too much of a good thing can be dangerous” (Med-Health).
Honestly, I really hope you told your friend to tell their dad about the studies you’ve researched. Interesting to find that even the common “healthy” banana can find its way with a negative connation to some people. When really it should only be consumed until it’s no longer good for you. Like the saying goes, “everything in moderation”. In fact, one of banana’s main production source, in Uganda, has a moderation limit. The International Food Policy Research Institute and the African Agricultural Technology Foundationcame to “tackle this nutritional challenge” with “a genetically modified banana with six times the normal level of vitamin A” in about 5 years time. Will we come upon a time in need of our fruit to be genetically modified?
This post scared me when I scrolled through the blog posts, as I consume a banana in every protein shake I taste, because it makes the taste 100 times better! After reading the part where you wrote that bananas can cause a “lack of fat and protein”. This makes me think very hard as all 3 of my trainers have suggested putting things such as bananas in shakes, since it adds a kick of other nutrients! Since I only eat one a day, and your post says “no more than two” I’m thinking I’ll be fine, but this post really made me re evaluate my protein shake combination! Good post, Daniel!
Bananas are healthy but I do not really like the taste of it but thank you for your research that I can tell my friends who love to eat bananas should eat less per day.
Bananas are healthy but I do not really like the taste of it but thank you for your research that I can tell my friends who love to eat bananas should eat less per day.
Bananas are healthy but I do not really like the taste of it but thank you for your research that I can tell my friends who love to eat bananas should eat less per day.
Wow, that’s really surprising. I never knew that eating too much fruit was actually bad for you. I guess that’s why physicians recommend eating a variety of different kinds of fruits. Different kinds of fruit supplement the vitamins that are lacking in other types of food. I have one question though. How does this affect those with a more active lifestyle. Athletes burn more nutrients and proteins so would it be ok for athletes took more? Just some food for thought. Great article with good use of case study. Really interesting and well writen. here is a picture of the different benefits of different kinds of fruits.
Bananas are healthy but I do not really like the taste of it but thank you for your research that I can tell my friends who love to eat bananas should eat less per day.
Bananas are healthy but I do not really like the taste of it but thank you for your research that I can tell my friends who love to eat bananas should eat less per day.
Wow, that’s really surprising. I never knew that eating too much fruit was actually bad for you. I guess that’s why physicians recommend eating a variety of different kinds of fruits. Different kinds of fruit supplement the vitamins that are lacking in other types of food. I have one question though. How does this affect those with a more active lifestyle. Athletes burn more nutrients and proteins so would it be ok for athletes took more? Just some food for thought. Great article with good use of case study. Really interesting and well writen. here is a picture of the different benefits of different kinds of fruits.
Wow, that’s really surprising. I never knew that eating too much fruit was actually bad for you. I guess that’s why physicians recommend eating a variety of different kinds of fruits. Different kinds of fruit supplement the vitamins that are lacking in other types of food. I have one question though. How does this affect those with a more active lifestyle. Athletes burn more nutrients and proteins so would it be ok for athletes took more? Just some food for thought. Great article with good use of case study. Really interesting and well writen. here is a picture of the different benefits of different kinds of fruits.
I enjoyed reading this post because I never knew that eating more than two bananas a day could cause adverse side effects. While it makes sense that too much of anything can be a bad thing, it surprised me that just three bananas a day could cause headaches or tooth decay. This reminded me of when I first learned about “water intoxication.” Water, something that people widely regard as beneficial, can be harmful in excessive amounts. The difference is, it takes about 6 liters of water to cause any harm, as opposed to just three bananas. I think this is a good lesson to anyone who is trying to eat an extremely specified diet in order to lose weight or be healthier.