Is Mike Trout the Best Baseball Player Who Ever Lived?

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 5.00.46 PMIt is without a doubt that Mike Trout, the center fielder for the Los Angeles of Anaheim, is the best player currently playing in the Major Leagues.  However, there is often a large debate as to whether or not Trout is/going to be the greatest player who has played in the MLB.  Trout is often compared to a Mickey Mantle type of player in the sense of being a five tool player, meaning he can hit for average, hit for power, steal bases, play great defense and have an above average arm, but does that make him the greatest player of all time?

According to Richard Justice, a writer for, Trout has not even reached his prime yet and still has plenty of time to reach his maximum potential.  If this is to be true, sky’s the limit for this young phoneme. Trout has been able to hit for average throughout his time in the pros, averaging a phenomenal average of .306.  His ability to constantly make solid contact with the ball is really reflected in his batting average.  Trout has also hit a total of 124 home runs in his career, averaging 35 per season, which would equate to a top 15 finish in home runs in each of his five seasons. Trout is often viewed as being one of the fastest players in the Major Leagues averaging 31 stolen bases in each of his five season, so he fulfills the speed criteria.  Trout has a career fielding percentage of .992, which is .008 from being errorless in his career, which is a clear achievement of the fielding tool.  But just because Trout’s career numbers are this high right now does not exactly mean he’ll go down as the best.  

However, in comparison to other player such as Babe Ruth, Trout has more runs scored, more hits, more home runs, and more stolen bases at the same 3 year mark as Ruth.  Trout also has more career home runs as Willie Mays and Ernie Banks at the three year mark in his career, all of this according to an article on

Trout, without a doubt, will go down as one of the greatest player to play the game of baseball, but given the statistics, Trout is on pace to go down as the greatest player to ever step on a baseball diamond in the history of the sport.

Sources Used:  

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2 thoughts on “Is Mike Trout the Best Baseball Player Who Ever Lived?

  1. pqr5175

    Mike Trout is 24 years old yet he already has more WAR than established hall of famer’s. At his current pace he will retire with 150+ WAR. The funny thing is that he stole 50 bases his first year yet this year he only stole a dozen or so bases. I watched every game and he literally wasn’t trying to steal because Pujols would’ve been intentionally walked if Trout was on 2nd. Imaging the counting stats if he kept up his stolen bases!

    Paul Robinson

  2. Ryan Metz

    Mike Trout is absolutely a freak of nature. His athletic ability is out of this world. In my opinion, he embodies every category of player in the Major Leagues. For instance, one could call him a power hitter since he hits over 30 home runs a year. One could call him a base stealer, a defensive specialist, a lead-off hitter, a doubles hitter, etc. It amazes me watching him play because he can do everything. Based on stats and just aura, he is on pace to become the greatest of all time, by far. It is scary that he is only a mere 4 years old.

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