Do Vegetarians Live Longer?

Do Vegetarians Live Longer?
People go vegetarians for various reasons. From people and their point of view on how animals should be treated to having to take extreme measures because they have been diagnosed with a health issue. Whatever the reason might be their has a being the question about whether being a vegetarian can make one live longer. In this process, what is happening is that the person is cutting out the majority of products that are protein such as beef and pork. They focus their diet more on eating vegetables and fruits. In a recent study, it was proven that people who abstain from eating meat have a lower blood pressure which deflects the risk of having any type of blood or heart issue. This can be highly beneficial to people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. In 2013, a study looked at about 70,000 people it was shown that vegetarians had twelve percent less chance of dying compared to other diets. Going back to the idea that really nothing fatty is being eaten therefore their arteries are in a much clearer state than someone who consumes meat. Vegetarianism also allow for fewer metabolic rates syndrome which is considered to be a risk fact in the result of type 2 diabetes.
This may sound like a great way to live a lifestyle however, there are some measures that need to be taken when going with this lifestyle. As a result of not consuming meat their has been a concern about the amount of nutrients that the person receives especially young children who grow up in such environment. Vegetarians are deprived of an essential vitamin which in Vitamin B-12. This vitamin helps with the central nervous system as well as it not having enough can cause anemia.
There has been some controversy because different studies have showed different result. But, their have been more studies that show vegetarians live a longer life. According, to two studies people who ate less meat increased their like span by about 3.6 years. The Seventh Day Adventists were a good group of people to study because they live a healthy lifestyle with no meat their average men lived 7.28 years more and women lived 4.42 years more.
It has to be taken into account that even though it may increase the life span of a person the effects of aging will remain visible. These studies show that vegetarian is a correlation between the diet and the age span. I think the important thing here is that whatever you decide to be your health lifestyle one should limit the amounts and try to balance it because our body is all we really have.

7 thoughts on “Do Vegetarians Live Longer?

  1. Eric Horowitz

    I have always wondered about people that choose to be vegetarian and if that was exactly healthy for their system. This blog shed some light upon whether or not it is good but i will still always love my burgers and fries from five guys.

  2. Gwyneth Mulliken

    Wow this is an interesting correlation. I was a vegetarian for over a year. I found many healthy benefits from being a vegetarian. There are soo many ways to get protein and iron without eating meat. There are also so many environmental benefits from reducing meat intake. I dont believe the correlation between being a vegetarian and living longer in casual. This is because there are so many third variables that could be involved, meaning that the correlation between these to topics is entirely chance.

  3. Elizabeth Sweitzer

    Some of my best friends are vegetarians and they usually brag about the health benefits of that lifestyle and also constantly encourage me to try being a vegetarian. I personally don’t think I could voluntarily choose that lifestyle and often find myself eating meat at least once a day, but the scientific evidence of vegetarians living longer and having fewer health problems may get me to eat less meat then before without totally giving it up. Great post!

  4. David Jonathan Correll

    I have various friends that are vegetarians, but they receive their vitamins and proteins in other ways. It all depends on how a person handles the vegetarian lifestyle. Some people just eat certain fruits and vegetables, but do not make up for the lost benefits they would be gaining if eating meat. I am sure it is a more healthy choice if handling it the right way.

  5. Elizabeth Sweitzer

    Some of my best friends are vegetarians and they usually brag about the health benefits of that lifestyle and also constantly encourage me to try being a vegetarian. I personally don’t think I could voluntarily choose that lifestyle and often find myself eating meat at least once a day, but the scientific evidence of vegetarians living longer and having fewer health problems may get me to eat less meat then before without totally giving it up. Great post!

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