The age old question of does playing an instrument actually make you smarter? This comes from people trying to better themselves off by becoming musically enlightened.
People have been debating whether or not this is actually true. Since more scholarly people do have practices in playing an instrument. People do claim that they call this the Mozart effect. This effect talks about an epileptic children listening to Mozart music then after 10 minutes of doing so. They performed better at spatial reasoning skills.
Now in another study they talked about how music had an impact on intelligence stating that learning music notes help with math skills. Also it helps with linguistic intelligence by the music people create tend to have great meaning behind it. Now with linguistics they apply the same concept to use words instead of notes to convey a deep and complex meaning that has some sort of great significance.
Taking up an instrument might be worth while if you are looking to get smarter or otherwise you can stay the same boring you and keep living life.
I found this post very interesting because some of the smartest kids I knew in high school were in the band. They would constantly help me out with math, so it makes sense that playing an instrument may have helped them excel at math in the long run. Maybe I should have taken up playing an instrument at a younger age, as I struggled with math all throughout high school!
I found this blog to be very relatable because my younger sister plays the flute. I don’t agree with how learning musical notes can help with some math skills because my sister struggles in math. I do agree with the improvement of linguistics because she is good at that. I don’t play an instrument myself but i can say that i am better at math than english. I just found that to be interesting.
I started playing the trumpet in the forth grade and it led me to meet some really cool friends. It opened me up to variety of new opportunities and experiences. I do think the concept of becoming smarter by playing an instrument works in different ways though. I have learned how to read music and I have learned specific terminology that goes along with music. But I don’t think my ability to play music helped me in my math classes at all, if anything it probably distracted me from them. It may be on a person to person basis, but I don’t really understand the comparison between music and math. But, an interesting blog post none the less!
I used to play the flute in middle school, but I stopped because I wasn’t very good at it. I hope this doesn’t mean I’m not smart! I do agree that playing instruments does require special abilities, so I wouldn’t be surprised if studies proved that playing an instrument makes you smarter. I was very intrigued by the correlation between math skills and playing an instrument. I would have never guessed that learning music notes would improve your math skills.
I’ve played violin ever since fourth grade, so this blog post really makes me feel good about myself! Unfortunately, I found that this “Mozart effect” can found false by Harvard University. They found that there was “no cognitive benefits to music lessons”. through an observational study. Disappointing, right?