Does Wearing Cheap SunGlasses Ruin your Eye Sight?
We have all worn either worn someone else’s prescriptions glasses or haven worn fake glasses that be for a Halloween Custom or just for fun. Many of us though have been okay with wearing fake glasses because we have been told that wearing prescription glasses can damage your eye sight so we take precaution and take the other road. But have people ever thought where cheap sunglasses affect you eye vision? When summer is around and the sun is out and hot, people will tend to buy cheap sunglasses because maybe they were left behind and there is nothing else to do. According to doctor Wayne Bizer of the American Academy of Ophthalmology says that sunglasses without a protection are worse than having no sunglasses at all even the simple action of squinting is one better off.
When exposed to light the average human will squint therefore the pupil will get really tiny. Of course, then when you wear sunglasses it’s like one is being placed in a dark room your pupils dilate bigger to let more light in. Sunglasses that have some protection from the UVB may help but there is light still coming in through the lenses. The damage done to eyes after being exposed from sunlight might hurt initially and then go away but the damage done will stay and it will accumulate.
According to Chris Worsman, an optometrist at Viewpoint Opticians What ends up happening is that the UVA rays hit the lens which then damages them. The lens is what control the amount of light that is allowed to pass through. They are composed of numerous proteins that arranged in a straight line. This allows for the lens to be clear. Once though the proteins have come into contact with the rays they become knotted and their composition is worn out.
The best thing to do in order to protect your vision during the day is go to a reliable source and buy sunglasses that have a tag that shows protection from the sun’s rays. Many people will assume that just because they have bought expensive sunglasses that they must include protection. However, it is needed to be realized that these might just be more expensive because they fashionable, made by high quality designers.
Here are some suggestions on what to specifically should be looked at when buy a pair of sunglasses:
1) Polarized lenses cut out the brightness of the sun but do not have protection
2) The darker the lenses are doesn’t necessarily mean that it has better sun protection
here is a video: to better explain this topic.
We have always heard of the harsh affects of wearing someone else’s prescription glasses. I never once took the time to think that poorly constructed sunglasses may be affecting people in the long run. Well its a good thing that I don’t own a pair! I’ll be sure to spread the word to my friends and family. Love this post!
This is very interesting because I usually just buy a cheap pair of sunglasses when I go to the beach. I have never really thought about the effects that a cheap pair could have on your isight. It does make sense why some pairs are so expensive now though. I think it is time for everyone to invest in a pricier, more protective form of eye wear.
Wow this study really intrigued me because i am always wearing sunglasses and i don’t care if it is the cheap pair or not. This awareness will make me buy more high end products rather than settle for that free pair they give out around campus.
Wow this study really intrigued me because i am always wearing sunglasses and i don’t care if it is the cheap pair or not. This awareness will make me buy more high end products rather than settle for that free pair they give out around campus.
I never really thought about the importance of having good sunglasses and after realizing this post I’m much more aware of my choice in eye-wear. I couldn’t understand the video so I looked up what sunglasses offered the best protection. Here is an article that gives tips on what to look for.
Nice topic! This was just what I wondered during last few days. The sun was really hot in university park. I bought a sunglasses which did not prevent much UV light and I felt uncomfortable every time I wore it. I did not think that much because I thought it must be better to have sunglasses than nothing. I didn’t know that it can actually hurt my eyes!! Thanks for reminding me again!
In high school I knew a kid who wore non-prescription glasses to school every day for style, not because he had vision problems. It was a little odd, but he did it anyway. He wore them frequently and ended up having vision problems. He had to go to the eye doctor and purchase prescription glasses and the doctor contributed the random occurrence over his overuse of the non-prescription glasses. It is weird, but also true that fake sunglasses if overused can effect someone’s vision.