Is Smoking Hookah Better Than Smoking Cigarettes?
Many people have though that smoking hookah is safer than smoking cigarette because the bowl contain water to filter to it. In reality though this is not the case. The tobacco that is especially made for such instrument is not less harmful than that of cigarettes. If it is actually thought all the way through in one hookah session you inhale more than one cigarette because of the amount of smoke and the duration of each session. The ingredients in the hookah smoke contains exactly the same as the smoke of cigarette such as carbon monoxide, tar and other things that can cause cancer. It has be proven as well as the nicotine in hookah has led to an addiction that could potentially lead to create a dependence on tobacco. A study funded by the National Institutes of Health reports a single hookah session delivers 1.7 times the nicotine, 6.5 times the carbon monoxide and 46.4 times the tar of a single cigarette.
Another example of a great study done by the World Health Organization found that between the smoking of cigarette the average person will take about 8 to 12 puffs which is inhaling about half a liter of smoke. It takes about the average person to finish a cigarette about five to seven minutes. On the other hand, a hookah smoker will inhale about a liter of smoke which equal about 20 to 200 puffs. The time is takes to finish one smoking session one might have smoked about 40 to 400 cigarettes.
here is a link to smoking and hookah
The study is very interesting, especially because many individuals think that smoking hookah is always a safer option. However, not all hookah has tobacco. That doesn’t lessen the harm though, the charcoal used in hookah burns off to release carbon monoxide which is a huge health problem. The only advantage I can see for hookah is that a lot of people do not generally smoke it on a daily bases. Then again I am told (which could be a myth) that in the middle east hookah is smoked quite often.
Very interesting post. But still answering your question, even though hookah is harmful, it is better to smoke it rather that cigarettes, because while smoking cigarettes the paper is burnt, which gives off lots of chemical toxic. In addition i never saw a regular hoookah smoker, whereas i see many cigarrette addicts nowadays. But in general the best option is not to smoke neither of them:))
This was a smart question to cover because many people are under the impression that smoking hookah is not as harmful to one’s health as smoking tobacco. The results of this study, which explored the attitudes of Canadian and English students regarding hookah smoking, showed that the participants did not think much about the health risks involved with smoking hookah. This is because the perceived mildness of the smoke, the fun flavors, and the fact that hookah is smoked through a water pipe, led them to believe that this method of smoking is not as bad for one’s health as cigarettes are. Unfortunately, many people are under the same false beliefs as these students were. However, as highlighted in your blog, hookah smoking is actually more harmful to one’s health than cigarettes.