are e cigarettes unsafe?

Way back in my day when I was in high school, about 7 months ago i saw the popularity of electronic cigarettes sky rocket. A brand new e cigarette store opened that sells nothing but e cigarettes and it blew up. I felt like every guy and some girls even had a e cigarette and some point in time. I think everyone could agree they are less harmful the real cigarettes but by how much? They advertise them as flavors cool designs lights and buttons just to attract kids. Yes these kids aren’t smoking cigarettes but now they are “vaping” e cigarettes. E cigarettes are not regulated by the government so there really could be anything in them, what is it doing to our bodies? I did some detailed research and I believe i found the best answers.

E cigarettes are supposedly meant to lean people off smoking real cigarettes so they are helpful in that sense but not many others. This article describes the parts of e cigarettes and the liquid used in them. To my surprise and I’m sure a lot of others, there is many chemicals found in the juice. The chemicals have links to lung cancer, making it questionable why you would move from a orginal real cigarette to a e cigarette. Found in the article this state was said  “Our results demonstrate that overall, electronic cigarettes seem to be less harmful than regular cigarettes, but their elevated content of toxic metals such as nickel and chromium do raise concerns,” says Prof. Sioutas, coauthor of the study. Inhaling aanything besides air into your lungs should be concerning to anyone. There is proof that e cigarettes are better for you than cigarettes but that does not justify that they are safe. With many studies done some preach how they are safe and some not. this article has many interesting facts about e cigarettes too. Regardless of what science proves people wil push aside the facts and do as they please. E cigarettes are not safe, safer than real cigarettes but only to an extent.

5 thoughts on “are e cigarettes unsafe?

  1. Xingchen Zhou

    E cigarettes are supposed to be safer than the transitional cigarettes, because it will not burn the tobacco to harm the body. However, it’s likely to bring more people who have never smoke to try traditional cigarettes. Therefore, in the view of the safety issues the e cigarettes can be safer, but it is not so good for the government to control the smoking populations.

  2. Tyler Christopher Perlmutter

    From discussions and results in my Stat 200 class, e-cigarettes are safer than actual cigarettes, but they can lead to individuals smoking actual cigarettes. Based on this study it shows statistics of high schoolers who use e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes. Also it shows statistics on how e-cigarettes, although they have low tobacco they can lead to traditional cigarette use.

  3. Tyler John Sokolich

    I believe any form of taking in nicotine is unnecessary. These e-cigarettes might not be actual cigarettes but they still contain nicotine. That’s what the flavor/juice for them is. Nicotine products are just bound to create an addiction to anyone who uses them. Its a trap. Some people try to make the argument that vapes/e-cigarettes are a gateway to real cigarettes.

  4. Alexandra Carley Spanier

    E-cigarettes may be the new thing but they still are definitely not safe. Not only are they not safe but they also lead people to smoking, as Andrew discussed in class. More than 1/3 of teenagers who used the e cigarette ended up smoking later on! Another study took people from the ages 16-26 and saw that people who used the e cigarette started smoking a real cigarette in only a year. This shows that not only are cigarettes harmful but also lead to something even wore, smoking. More information and studies about the what e cigarettes do is here,

  5. Kaitlyn Wells

    When i first heard about e cigarettes I heard that they were safer than smoking actual cigarettes. At first I didn’t believe that this could be true because I did not think that there was a way that they could make cigarettes safe. It is bittersweet finding out that they aren’t safe because I am happy that I knew all along that I shouldn’t smoke them, but I am sad that they did not find a way to make them not harmful to your body.

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