Why do people snore?

Every time I come home I’m always so excited to get a good nights rest. My queen-sized bed is amazing compared to the one at school. When I came home though for the weekend I could not fall asleep at all. I drank some relaxing tea, got in my comfiest pajamas, and got under the covers only to hear snoring from the next room. I then realized one of the most annoying things about sleeping at home, and that was my dad snoring in the other room. My dad has always snored, and it is so hard to fall asleep hearing it. I can only imagine how my mom falls asleep with all the snoring! I decided to look further into snoring and see if there is anything I could do to stop him from doing it.

Snoring is very common; around 40% of the population does it every night. Around 37 million Americans are habitual snorers. Although both men and women snore, it is more common in men. Snoring occurs when the soft palate (the upper area of the mouth) vibrates while the lungs breathe in air from congested airways. The airways became clogged when airway muscles begin to loosen or when tissue begins to build up. As the airways get smaller, there are more vibrations, which causes people to snore louder.

Snoring is usually not anything serious, but it can become a risk the older people get. This is because as people age the softer their throat muscles become. Not only can it keep up other people, it can the snorer to not function as well the next day. Heart disease is another big problem scientists have found snorers have.

There are many causes of snoring. For example, mouth anatomy. If a person is overweight it means they have more tissue in their throat, which causes a smaller airway and leads to snoring. Also, if one has tissue hanging from there through it will lead to them having less room to breathe. Drinking alcohol also usually causes to snore that night. This is because it alcohol leads to throat relaxation and leads to too much air getting into your throat. Nasal congestion is a very common cause of snoring. If one has a deviated septum it causes less flow of oxygen into the airways. Although many people don’t realize, sleep position plays a big role in breathing at night. Sleeping on ones back leads to snoring because of gravity’s influence on the throat, which leads to a smaller airway. Around half of the snoring populations have sleep apnea. This is when the throat tissues block the breathing passage. A person even stops breathing for up to two minutes. This can lead to high blood pressure because of the lost of oxygen in the blood, obesity, heart disease, and stroke.

Many people who snore rarely realize they’re even doing it unless they wake up during the night gasping for air. To stop people from snoring there are many options. One is to change your lifestyle. Loosing weight or changing the position you sleep in is just two things that can help. What people do during the day has a huge effect on their bodies at night. A more serious option is to get surgery. This is very common and can lead people to have better night sleeps. Now that I look at it my dad always sleeps on his back. To see if that’s the problem I’m going to tell him to sleep on his side to see if that helps us all sleep better!




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2 thoughts on “Why do people snore?

  1. Bowen Wang

    Lol I’ve been there trust me. Every time I went back home all I want is enjoy my bed. I would like to lying on my bed all day long. But sad things came up at night which is the snore from next door. Sometimes it happens in hotel rooms too. That is the second weirdest and embarrassed sound you could ever hear in a hotel room.
    Snore is not only a embarrassing sound but also could lead to serious health conditions as you mentioned in your post, especially heart attack related diseases and stoke.
    With the development of technology even mattresses gets smarter. I saw a mattress advertisement online and found it on YouTube as link attached below. It seems that the if we sleep with a little bit up-hill support from the mattress could help us prevent snore at night.
    New studies have shown that snore not causing any heart related diseases. It is simply hard to get a scientific result of what the reality is since the relationship between snore and death is very hard to measure. While what we could do is try to sleep on our side, have a health diet(this is not only could be a solution to snore but also is good for our health condition for many aspects) to reduce the chance of snore, at least it will help our partner and family.


  2. Shannon Rose Beam

    I also did a blog about snoring. It’s one thing that I can not stand and I’m lucky enough to have a roommate that doesn’t snore. I also found that there are many factors that influence snoring and that those who snore loud can have serious heart problems later down the line, according to a study http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/30/sleep.problems.health/index.html. However, the problem with the study is that there could be many third variables such as nutrition that lead to cholesterol and heart risk.
    In addition, I found this article on Huffington post that talks about how snoring has an effect on marriages! Here it is, you should check it out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-volpi-md-pc-facs/snorings-effect-on-marriage_b_987573.html.

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