Does relationship keep you healthy?

Various movies and videos were made for teenagers even adult to teach or guide them how to get a girlfriend in life.  Many may wonder, how important is it to have a girlfriend in life? Many people live by themselves and seem to have a perfect life without the other half bothering them. So does a relationship helps you? Is it essential for a person’s life? Does it effect your healthy status?

When we look back into history, it is rare to see people who live in the pre-modernization era do not have a spouse. In those days, reproduction for the family is one of the major goal of life. Once a person reach certain age, they had to find a spouse and marry in order to reproduce offsprings for the family. In ancient China, reproducing offspring for the family is extremely crucial for a male. If a male is not able to find a spouse, the family would even force him to marry someone who he had never met before. “a three unfilial , without issue, ” saying that many of unfilial conduct, but no children, Nobody inherited status, family name, this is the most serious matter.” Argued the great philosopher and the follower of Confucius, Mengzi. Even in modern China, a middle age male without a girlfriend or had never been in a relationship before is bizarre to the society.

These historical and social phenomenon does not directly support the idea of having a girlfriend could help you get a better health status, but it does indicate that there are some form of relations underneath it. According to a study conducted in 1997, being in a relationship could influence your body psychologically and physically. Being in a relationship does make other feel better than being alone. It does offer some shelter and to prevent us from the busy world these days. Other study also pointed out that being in a relation could help you calm your emotion well, function better in society and making one more responsible for himself and the other half.  Relationship even keeps people more diligent while working.

Body chemistry plays an important role while in a relationship. While people are in a relationship, dopamine is released to keep couples feel related and enthusiastic about their relationship. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that dealt with pleasure. It is released while a person is gambling, smoking, taking drugs or under other kind of situation. A lack of dopamine in the body leads to anxiety and trouble sleeping. While we release dopamine when in love, we also release the stress from our body, therefore creating a good mood for us and help us with better rest, even more energy in life.

While having intercourse with the partner, oxytocin is released from brain. This chemical helps bond the couples and could also help relieving stress. The study of oxytocin also pointed out that it is closely related to “sexual and maternal behavior, aggression, social memory and attachment.” A lack of oxytocin could lead to a person’s aggression in social behavior.   This could also relate to the criminology point of view (Walsh, Anthony. “Chapter 7, The differential association theory, .” Criminology: The Essentials. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2012. N. pag. Print.). While having little interact and gaining little positive feedback from the relationship one currently have, they are more prone to show aggression and even the intention to commit their delinquent behaviors. It may sounds extreme but being in a relation could help prevent some issues among certain groups.

Relationship may seem tiring for some because they would have to change and work very hard in order to achieve their ideal partner, sometimes even being in a relationship may not seem so well since conflict will eventually appear and break the relationship. However, please keep in mind that a good relationship does not hurt, instead it helps.


4 thoughts on “Does relationship keep you healthy?

  1. Hannah Rose Papa

    I like this post a lot because many peoples happiness now a days is determined by their relationship and being happy is what makes you healthy. This post was very interesting with your facts and deep research that helped better my understanding about being in a relationship. Although not all relationships make you healthier, those that do make you happier would make sense to make you healthier. When those relationships do end though, people actually suffer many health problems such as depression.

  2. Caroline Gail Stacks

    I definitely agree with your points, and found your research really fascinating! I have definitely realized from personal experience that a good, healthy relationship makes me happy and just feel differently about my relationships with others, and even myself. When I was in my first relationship, however, I didn’t completely understand what was healthy and what wasn’t, and found myself being moody, and upset a lot of times. Love really is a fascinating thing, and it’s important to pay close attention to. Considering how much it can really mess with your health and your happiness, it’s definitely not something to be taken lightly! I read this article recently, and thought it gave some really good ideas of a healthy relationship!

  3. Siyuan Yang

    I agree with your points, and I am surprised by the scientific test that prove relationship makes people healthy. I used to classify relationship as pure emotional things with little science inside. In my opinion, I think a good relationship will keep you in good mood. And many researches have proved that a good mood. You may see the following link.
    And also, a good relationship provide stable and balanced sex lives to the partners. Stable sex lives definitely have health benefits. The following links gives really detailed explanation.

  4. Amanda Lynn Graham

    I do agree that when I am in a loving and happy relationship I do feel happier, and it has been shown that the happier you are the healthier you tend to be. However, the one thing I would have to say about this is that this completely depends about the type of relationship you are in. People should not stay in relationships that are toxic, and that make them unhappy. In fact, that could have exactly the reverse affect. Most notably are abusive relationships, they can have physical negative affects as well as emotional. Livestrong’s online site provides an article on how hurtful abusive relationships can be! It would be a great second blog to go off of this one!

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