So what if I told you I had a secret to make you live longer? What if I told you it was a simple change in your lifestyle? Now what if I said everyone could do this? Optimism is a simple change in the way you think about everything in life that could aid in lengthening your stay on this planet. How could something so simple have this great of an effect? Science proves it. There have been countless studies for this theory and all of the outcomes have shown that optimism helps you live longer. Of course there’s always that 5% chance that they’re wrong but they could not be due to chance because the results keep repeating; This is no fluke. How can you make this change in your life and how does it work?
WebMD, an online medical journal, has an article about a study done that was in the magazine Archives of General Psychiatry in November 2004 and you can see the study here . The study had 1,000 people of both genders that were between 65-85 in which they divided them up into groups depending on the different levels of optimism each person said that they had. This was an observation, not an experiment and was not randomized because the people disclosed how they were feeling and that is how they were divided up. 10 years later the researchers checked in and the people who reported being highly optimistic had a 55% lower risk of death and even a 23% less risk for any heart- related death. They concluded that there were a few factors for which optimism could cause a longer life including: “optimism is associated with more physical activity, moderate alcohol use in women, and less smoking (Warner). Optimism is associated with better health in general. People in poor health tend to report more pessimism. Optimists may cope with stress differently and more effectively than pessimists do. Furthermore according to the NYTimes an observational study was done where researchers surveyed 660 people that were older than the age of 50 in Oxford, Ohio in 1975. They were given sentences with both positive and negative statements about their lives and were asked whether the agreed or disagreed with the statements. In 1998 researchers followed up and noted that the ones who had answered positively to the questions lived on average 7.5 years longer than the others and some were still alive then (Duenwald). The scientists took into account third variable factors such as age, race, socio- economic background and found that none of those could have affected it; That it was really the optimism.
Now I know not everyone can be optimistic every 5 seconds of their lives because there are hardships that take time to get used to. In addition to this there is being too optimistic. Some people are perfectionists and that is not key in living a longer life. Perfectionists would see the negative in situations because they need everything to be perfect. For example if they failed their test they may think it is the endow the world just like a pessimist rather than realize that next time is another opportunity to do better. Optimism really does help a person to feel better, be healthier, and even live longer. If you don’t believe me, try it. Try seeing failures as opportunities and bad situations as little specks of dirt. Be happier. Be optimistic. Be healthier. Live longer.
Warner, Jennifer. “Optimism May Help You Live Longer.” WebMD. WebMD, 1 Nov. 2004. Web. 21 Oct. 2015. <>.
Duenwald, Mary. “Power of Positive Thinking Extends, It Seems, to Aging.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 18 Nov. 2002. Web. 21 Oct. 2015. <>.
Interesting blog on how to live longer. Recently I came into contact with an article that described how drinking blood could make you live longer. Sound crazy, right? But in the Science and Nature Medicine today magazine, two separate research groups found that transfusing young mouse blood into old mice later improved the mouse’s health. The improvement included cognitive and exercise capability, which reduced the aging of the mice. (Source:
I wouldn’t advise anyone to drink blood, seeing as though there are probably many health risk in doing so, but I found it interesting that maybe Vampires were onto something. Would you try it to live longer?
I always try to stay optimistic as well thanks for loving my blog. I actually did a research paper on this in high school and the extensive effects that optimism can have on a person and it is amazing that just being happy and seeing everything as an opportunity rather than as a threat can really affect everything. If you ever wanted to see more research feel free to contact me as I am very into the positive psychology aspects of things. Positive Psychology is such a fascinating thing to see how our brain works but focusing on the good rather than the bad.
Emma, I loved your blog and believe that being optimistic is a great way to live life. I have been an optimistic person all of my life (well I try to be), and people have always asked me how I stay so positive. I’m glad to know now that being optimistic could actually make you live longer. My mom has taught me to stay positive even in the worst of situations, and I try to tell people to do that as well. If you want to see more positive effects of optimism visit this site!
It’s pretty awesome to know that positive emotions could indeed affect one’s health. I wonder if telling people to stop complaining because they will have shorter life spans may be plausible…(haha). In this article psychologists try to see if complaining may actually affect your mental health. Anyway, I think that whatever you put into your body and mind is what you receive back from it. So if positivity is what you’re focusing on your body is likely to respond in the same manner by making you less likely to develop certain diseases and illnesses and if negativity is part of your whole mindset your body will also respond in the same manner.
Interesting blog on how to live longer. Recently I came into contact with an article that described how drinking blood could make you live longer. Sound crazy, right? But in the Science and Nature Medicine today magazine, two separate research groups found that transfusing young mouse blood into old mice later improved the mouse’s health. The improvement included cognitive and exercise capability, which reduced the aging of the mice. (Source:
I wouldn’t advise anyone to drink blood, seeing as though there are probably many health risk in doing so, but I found it interesting that maybe Vampires were onto something. Would you try it to live longer?
Your post was simple enough to include the science and the scientific language. I myself have found it beneficial to be more optimistic. Considering the fact that depression is considered an illness, I do believe that something as simple as optimism can have a positive effect on the longevity to life.
This is interesting to know because now I am going to be more optimistic and more glass half full. I personally want to live longer and I am sure that everyone wants to too so if being more happy and outgoing and excited about things and always looking at the positives will help then it is easy task. I agree that not everyone can be chipper and optimistic all of the time, but even if it doesn’t really help humans live longer, it is a better approach to life. I know people that are half glass empty and a lot of the times I don’t want to talk to them because they bring me down. I think that everyone deals with horrible and sad things in their life and I had my fair share, so I always wondered if I was optimistic or pessimistic due to events in my life. When I was home in the summer, my mom was opening a bottle of wine and I go “mom why are you opening a whole bottle your class is still half full.” And I was like oh I guess I am very optimistic and it felt good knowing that. So lets hope that it does help me live longer!
interesting topic who knew these simple things helped you live longer, i do believe optomisum helps you live longer, it is good for your own mind and soul.
I have read an article about this before and how something as simple as a positive outlook on life can make you live a longer, healthier life blows my mind! Its crazy the damage that stress can do to your body and the benefits of being a happy guy/girl. I’m glad to see someone researching a topic as helpful to each and every person in this world as this is. After learning this, being in a good mood and a pleasure to be around is not only for the people around you, but for your own health as well.