Yes! You heard it here first! Poverty has now become contagious. First starting in the U.S., then China and Japan, some parts of Southern America and slowly making its way over to places like Europe and Dubai. Africa is so lucky they are nowhere near the contaminated areas.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? What is the last thing you do before going to bed? What do you do when you are sad? What do you do when you are happy? What do you do before you shower? What do you do after you shower? What do you while you eat? What do you do when people talk to you?

Too many people are going to answer these questions with “I’m on my phone.”
OH.. and for the ones who don’t, they’re just too ignorant to admit to the fact that they indeed are somewhat addicted to their phones/ or at least have a high dependency on technology.
fools if you ask me.

I can actually tell you a funny story that happened to me this morning. I am waiting to get on the white loop and some smart soul had decided to stick his still burning cigarette into a trashcan. For those of you who don’t know, paper is flammable. But wait it gets better. I don’t have a phone (personal preference) so I could not make a call. I immediately take out my water bottle and start trying to be proactive about the situation. You wanna know what everyone else did? Took pictures for instagram, twitter, and snapchat. OMG!!!!! how exciting! There is a fire in this trashcan, and there is an intense cloud of smoke beginning to form, let’s take pics!!! I was literally panicking for help and since people only know how to communicate to their phones they would not even reply to me. Some of you might think it’s extreme that I chose to use the word “Poverty,” but if you don’t have yourself, you don’t have anything at all. The people in Africa may be exposed to so many more life threatening diseases, but at least they know love and family in ways we never will.

and that my friend is this next generation.
So let’s continue to exploit the land that use to be so rich and prosperous in it’s love and pride. Let’s carry on the tradition of concealing the truth and prioritizing how to socially conform rather than really ever figuring out who we truly are.

This link here shows a previous Instagram model who is beginning to go viral on all types of social media. She decided to step back from what has now become “normal,” and confess the truth about what social media actually entails. Watch this video to take a closer look.

What’s crazier? The fact that everyone already knew this was going on, OR that it took this long for someone to say something?

I ENJOY!!! walking the campus, looking at the trees, smiling at the people walking by, helping who I can, engaging in positive relationships, and sometimes even spending time with just me to check up on how I am actually doing. and the saddest part about this was that all my new “friends” thought this was weird and I even began to alienate myself. We cannot define ourselves through other people, it is setting yourself up for destruction.
All this generation knows is running, but now the time has come, the disease is slowly but surely spreading. Ironic how we are the ones who actually infected ourselves. Now it’s time for you to choose what type of life you really want to keep living.

I actually have a personal blog that I shared on my initial blog post, but I have one specific post that matches a lot with the theme of this blog post as well so if you wanna check it out, here you go!

And for those of you that I just finished ruining your day here is one video that will make you happy and one video that will make you hopeful.